Postseason update: Boys lacrosse, baseball, girls tennis advance; rain postpones girls lacrosse match

Heavy rain postponed the scheduled girls lacrosse quarterfinal match on Saturday – if the weather cooperates they’ll get the game in later today – as the boys lacrosse, baseball, and girls tennis teams all advanced to the next round. For the girls softball and boys tennis teams it was the end of the road. Read the full article → from Postseason update: Boys lacrosse, baseball, girls tennis advance; rain postpones girls lacrosse match

Route 85 bridge work near Hopkinton border to start Friday

Several of you have inquired about road signs near the intersection of Cordaville and Southville Roads announcing a new construction project. I asked DPW Superintendent Karen Galligan what it’s all about, and she tells me it’s the start of a bridge project that’s expected to continue for the next two years. Read the full article → from Route 85 bridge work near Hopkinton border to start Friday

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