Selectmen consider more changes to zoning board

When the Board of Selectman last June voted not to reappoint Zoning Board of Appeals Chairman Sam Stivers to another five year term amid complaints about how the board treated applicants, they put the rest of the board on notice, saying future reappointments would face similar scrutiny. Last night they held true to that promise in considering the reappointment of member Regina McAuliffe. Read the full article → from Selectmen consider more changes to zoning board

Selectman wants to open up meetings to email comments (with POLL)

Back in January, the Board of Selectmen started broadcasting their meetings live on public access television. Selectman John Rooney said at the time he would like a way to make the experience a bit more interactive for the viewing public. As his first act as the board’s new chairman last week, he proposed a way to do just that. Read the full article → from Selectman wants to open up meetings to email comments (with POLL)

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