The Planet Palooza events scheduled for Saturday are being postponed to a date in June, TBA. Read the full article → from Earth Day concert and Garden Tour postponed (Updated – more details on Thurs night Backyard Biodiversity talk)
Coverage of events at the Southborough Public Library
Events this week: Candidates’ Night, Backyard Biodiversity, Temple Grandin, Rummage Sale, Concerts, Free Throw Challenge, and more
Here are some highlights of events in and around Southborough this week. Read the full article → from Events this week: Candidates’ Night, Backyard Biodiversity, Temple Grandin, Rummage Sale, Concerts, Free Throw Challenge, and more
Weekend at a Glance: Earth Day Cleanup, ARHS Fund Run, and a Choral concert
There are a variety of activities available in (or related to) our town this Saturday. Read the full article → from Weekend at a Glance: Earth Day Cleanup, ARHS Fund Run, and a Choral concert
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and other fun at the Library – April 30
A week from tomorrow, Skyrise Children’s Theater will be holding a special story time at the Southborough Library for ages 2½ and up. Read the full article → from Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and other fun at the Library – April 30
Sign up for free Pre-K Yoga on the Library Lawn – starting April 29
Free Outdoor Yoga for preschoolers is coming back to the Southborough Library. Read the full article → from Sign up for free Pre-K Yoga on the Library Lawn – starting April 29
Celebrating Earth Day: Trail Clearing and Planet Palooza events (Updated)
In celebration of Earth Day, I’m reminding readers of the Town’s “Planet Palooza” events and another Earth Day event in town. Read the full article → from Celebrating Earth Day: Trail Clearing and Planet Palooza events (Updated)
Candidates’ Night is Wednesday with Q&A of candidates for Planning Board and Select Board
Library Trustees are inviting voters to join them again to learn what this year’s candidates have to say. Read the full article → from Candidates’ Night is Wednesday with Q&A of candidates for Planning Board and Select Board
Events this week: Planet Palooza walks & talks, Petting Zoo, Earth Day Cleanup, ARHS Fund Run, and A Capella festival (Updated)
Here are some highlights of events in and related to Southborough this week. Read the full article → from Events this week: Planet Palooza walks & talks, Petting Zoo, Earth Day Cleanup, ARHS Fund Run, and A Capella festival (Updated)
Weekend at a Glance: Easter Egg Hunt, and Cook Book Club
Here are some highlights of events in and around Southborough this week. Read the full article → from Weekend at a Glance: Easter Egg Hunt, and Cook Book Club
SYFS April News: May is Mental Health Awareness Month
I’m sharing the Town’s news on a series of special events to celebrate May as Mental Health Awareness Month and other items from Youth & Family Services’ latest bulletin. Read the full article → from SYFS April News: May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Planet Palooza: Celebrating Earth Day (and a late naturalist) with walks, talks, a concert and more (Updated – Again)
OSPC is using April to celebrate Earth Day. Its Planet Palooza was planned for the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day in 2020. Postponed by two years, it is now also dedicated to the memory of Southborough naturalist Linda Hubley. Read the full article → from Planet Palooza: Celebrating Earth Day (and a late naturalist) with walks, talks, a concert and more (Updated – Again)
Events this week: Friends of Library HOLA fundraiser, Easter Egg Hunt, and Cook Book Club (Updated)
Here are some highlights of events in and around Southborough this week. Read the full article → from Events this week: Friends of Library HOLA fundraiser, Easter Egg Hunt, and Cook Book Club (Updated)
Weekend at a Glance: Saturdays (and other fun) at Fay, Pancake Breakfast, and Jazz Festival
Here is a reminder of what’s happening around town this weekend. Read the full article → from Weekend at a Glance: Saturdays (and other fun) at Fay, Pancake Breakfast, and Jazz Festival
Petting Zoo traveling to the Library – April 21
Over spring break, the Southborough Library will welcome special guests “Records and Burpee Traveling Children’s Zoo”. Read the full article → from Petting Zoo traveling to the Library – April 21