Annual Town Meeting 2023 at-a-glance

Here's my updated overview with coverage links on everything voters will be asked to decide

This Saturday, Southborough voters will act as the Town’s legislative branch, Annual Town Meeting. Residents will be asked to approve Town spending, delegate some authority, amend local bylaws, and “advise” officials on how we want them to govern. Here is my overview of all the details. Read the full article → from Annual Town Meeting 2023 at-a-glance

Annual Town Meeting: Saturday, March 25

Info Sessions for newbies (tonight and Saturday); An overview of the Warrant

The Town’s legislative branch, Town Meeting, will convene in ten days to approve spending, amend local bylaws, and “advise” officials.

For anyone who is new to Town Meeting (or looking for clarification on process), the Town Moderator is holding two Info Sessions this week, starting tonight. Read the full article → from Annual Town Meeting: Saturday, March 25

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