Reopening Plans: Deadline Sun 2pm for Qs to be answered at Mon forums; Another Survey request (Updated)

Parents have until 2pm tomorrow (Sunday, August 2nd) to submit questions for Community Forums on school Reopening Plans. The question form also serves as a survey that all parents are being asked to complete. Read the full article → from Reopening Plans: Deadline Sun 2pm for Qs to be answered at Mon forums; Another Survey request (Updated)

The week in government: Planning on ANRs, Selectmen on Transfer Station fees & regs; Combined Schools on Justice & Equality and Start Time Recommendation; Health on Covid-19 needs;

Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government: Planning on ANRs, Selectmen on Transfer Station fees & regs; Combined Schools on Justice & Equality and Start Time Recommendation; Health on Covid-19 needs;

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