Annual Town Meeting 2024 at-a-glance

What's up for a vote with links to related coverage

Southborough’s Annual Town Meeting, will convene tomorrow to approve spending, amend local bylaws, and “advise” officials. All registered voters are able (and encouraged) to participate.

Here is the list of Articles to be voted on with links to more information for those who want more details. Read the full article → from Annual Town Meeting 2024 at-a-glance

Library Building Project request headed to Annual Town Meeting

Library seeks to answer questions about an ATM Article asking voters to support a potential project to expand the library (or build a new one)

At Town Meeting on March 23rd, Article 12 will ask voters to agree to commit up to $150K for planning and design work for a project for a new or renovated/expanded library building.*

In advance of that ask, library staff are trying to answer questions about the request. Read the full article → from Library Building Project request headed to Annual Town Meeting

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