Here are highlights of what’s happening around (or related to) our town this weekend through next. Read the full article → from Events this week Updated
Coverage of events related to Southborough Public Schools, Alqonquin Regional High School, Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School, and private schools in town.
Here are highlights of what’s happening around (or related to) our town this weekend through next. Read the full article → from Events this week Updated
Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government
Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government (Updated)
Here are highlights of what’s happening around (or related to) our town this weekend through next. Read the full article → from Events this week (Updated)
Fay School is again inviting young families to join them for a monthly evening frolic. Read the full article → from Sunset Playdates – July 20 & August 18
Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government
Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government: Planning on Master Plan Implementation Committee; Select Board on process for Police Chief candidate(s); St Mark’s St Group on revised charge
Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government: Board of Health; Community Preservation hearing for input on projects/priorities; Conservation, and more
Here are highlights of what’s happening around (or related to) our town this weekend through next. Read the full article → from Events this week: Open Mic, Gallery Opening, Bubble Show, Native Gardens and more
Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government: Select Board on Parkerville Rd speed limit, DPW Superintendent contract, Tree Warden, St. Mark’s St project; Police Chief recruitment
Here are highlights of what’s happening around (or related to) our town this weekend through next. Read the full article → from Events this week: Book Sale, BBQ, Art Installation, Jazz night, final Food Trucks, Be an Ally, and more (Updated)
On Wednesday, three Algonquin teams fell out of the state tourneys. That leaves one still in it this afternoon. Read the full article → from Post-season Update: Baseball, Boys Tennis, and Boys Lacrosse out; Boys Rugby on for today
Today, two teams are advancing in MIAA state tourneys since I last posted on Monday. Read the full article → from Post-season Update: Baseball, Boys Tennis, Boys Lacrosse, and Boys Rugby in today’s state tourneys
The ARHS Senior Post Prom Party is midnight this Friday. Read the full article → from APTO thank supporters of Post Prom Parties