The district’s integrated preschool screening for the next school year is January 17th. Appointments are required. Read the full article → from It’s time to book NSBORO Preschool screenings
Coverage of events related to Southborough Public Schools, Alqonquin Regional High School, Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School, and private schools in town.
The district’s integrated preschool screening for the next school year is January 17th. Appointments are required. Read the full article → from It’s time to book NSBORO Preschool screenings
On Tuesday, December 17th, Algonquin will hold its annual holiday music festival with art and treats. The public is invited to attend the big concert featuring school instrumental and vocal groups.
While I’m sharing those details, I’ll also highlight the concerts for Southborough’s schools tonight and in two days. Read the full article → from Student Winter/Holiday Concerts
Highlights from last week’s competitions and what’s on tap this week in high school sports. Read the full article → from The week in sports
Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government
Here are highlights of what’s happening around (or related to) our town this weekend through next. Read the full article → from Events this week (Updated)
Each year, St. Mark’s School welcomes the public to its religious celebration of the season. Read the full article → from St. Mark’s Lessons and Carols — Dec 15 (Updated)
Highlights from last week’s competitions and what’s on tap this week in high school sports. Read the full article → from The week in sports
Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government
Here are highlights of what’s happening around (or related to) our town this weekend through next. Read the full article → from Events this week (Updated)
Here are a few reminders as we head into the holiday. Read the full article → from Thanksgiving reminders
Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government
Here are highlights of what’s happening around (or related to) our town this weekend through next. Read the full article → from Events this week
Fourth and fifth grade students are invited to join the cast of Neary School’s next musical theater production. Read the full article → from Jungle Book Kids: Neary after school musical program
Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School is holding its annual “Showcase” for prospective students and parents. Read the full article → from Assabet’s Showcase & Pre-Thanksgiving Bake Sale