Highlights from last week’s competitions and what’s on tap this week in high school sports. Read the full article → from This week in sports: Football shutout Groton-Donstable; Girls Volleyball racked up 3 more wins
Coverage of events related to Southborough Public Schools, Alqonquin Regional High School, Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School, and private schools in town.
Highlights from last week’s competitions and what’s on tap this week in high school sports. Read the full article → from This week in sports: Football shutout Groton-Donstable; Girls Volleyball racked up 3 more wins
Fay School’s Farmer Markets kicked off this fall. They reached out with information about this Saturday. Read the full article → from Fay School Farmer’s Market reopened this fall – Children’s Yoga featured this Saturday
Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government: Planning on Ken’s Foods warehouse expansion; BOS closing Special Town Meeting Warrant
Here are some highlights of events in and around Southborough this week. Read the full article → from Events this week: Savvy Consumer, Senior Movie Matinee, NSPAC family meetup, and more (Updated – Again)
Here are some highlights of events in and around Southborough this coming week. Read the full article → from Weekend at a Glance: Read to a Dog, “College List” Webinar, History Hike, and Art on Trails closing ceremony/Poetry Walk
The Northborough Southborough Special Education Parent Advisory Council (NSPAC) has announced “its first family social event”. Read the full article → from NSPAC Playground Meetup – October 3
Highlights from last week’s competitions and what’s on tap this week in high school sports. Read the full article → from This week in sports
Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government: Planning, BOS, & EDC on Downtown zoning; BOS to close STM Warrant
Here are some highlights of events in and around Southborough this coming week. Read the full article → from Events this week: Falconi Golf Tournament, Wellness & Alternative Medicine talks, Food Truck Festival, History Hike, Poetry Walk and more (Updated)
Northborough’s Applefest opened today, September 17th. The Town is promoting a slew of activities through Sunday, September 19th. Read the full article → from Northborough’s Applefest events today through Sunday
Highlights from last week’s competitions and what’s on tap this week in high school sports. Read the full article → from This week in sports: Gonk Football’s “stunning” upset
Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government: Planning Board, Combined School Committees, and more
Here are some highlights of events in and around Southborough this week. Read the full article → from Events this week: Story times, Food Truck Festival, Yoga, Crafternoon, and more (Updated)
Southborough Recreation fall programs are kicking off in a few days. The fall offerings include classes geared for tots through seniors. Read the full article → from Rec Fall Programs: Karate, Archery, PreK Sports, Senior Golf, Yoga, and RAP