Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government: BOS votes on Warrant Articles; ZBA on Ken’s Special Permit
Coverage of events related to Southborough Public Schools, Alqonquin Regional High School, Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School, and private schools in town.
Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government: BOS votes on Warrant Articles; ZBA on Ken’s Special Permit
Here are some highlights of events in and around Southborough this week. Read the full article → from Events this week: Backyard Orchard, Make Your Own Magic, Trail Cleanup, Earth Day Story Time and Bio-Blitz
This Thursday, the group will report to the Regional School Committee. The committee is expected to vote on the issue in two weeks. Read the full article → from ARHS Mascot Study Group to make recommendations to Regional School Committee – Thursday
Here are some highlights of events in and around Southborough this week. Read the full article → from Events this week: NSPAC Meeting with Special Ed Attorney; Joys of Nature – Vernal Pools (Updated)
Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government: Planning Hearings; BOS and Advisory on Budgets and ATM Articles; School Committee
It’s time to nominate those who have gone the distance for your children. Read the full article → from Go the Distance nominations due by April 16
Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government: BOS on Budgets and Warrant Articles
Here are some highlights of events in and around Southborough this week. Read the full article → from Events this week: Senior Puzzle Exchange, Books in Bloom, ARHS Jeopardy, Creative Writing, Seed Swap, and Pancake Breakfast
This spring, NSBORO Interact Club is holding a special collection drive. They are seeking used prescription eyeglasses and sunglasses to donate to people in need “across the world”. Read the full article → from Glasses drive at Southborough schools – one of NSBORO Interact’s good works
Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government: Planning Board and BOS hearings on zoning
Here are some highlights of events in and around Southborough this week. Read the full article → from Events this week: Media Literacy-Voices Against Violence, Teen Writing Club, and Easter fun
NSPAC will hold a virtual event this year to celebrate people who have made a difference to special needs students in our district. Read the full article → from Go the Distance Awards – May 20th
Here are some highlights of events in and around Southborough this week. Read the full article → from Events this week: Growing Tomatoes Workshop
Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government: Selectmen and Board of Health budget discussion; BOS review of ATM Warrant Articles