Southborough Historical Society Update

Progress on Fayville Hall renovation (and call for donations), updated timeline for opening the History & Arts Center, and remembering Donna McDaniel and her work

Last week, the Southborough Historical Society posted news (and photos) on its progress renovating historic Fayville Hall to be a new History & Arts Center, plus how they are remembering a late town history buff — Donna McDaniels.

I followed up for a few more details, and am sharing the highlights. Read the full article → from Southborough Historical Society Update

Historical documents project and website

A project headed by the Town Clerk to digitize and organize historical records can be accessed by the public on a searchable website. Funding requests are coming for old records that can't be scanned in house.

The Town Clerk’s office has been overseeing a project to preserve and digitize the Town’s historical records. As part of the project the digital records are being uploaded to a dedicated, searchable public website that describes each document and why it is significant. Read the full article → from Historical documents project and website

Petition to “Stop Sale” of South Union

Residents want a working group that includes neighbors to explore uses of 21 Highland Street before any decisions are made.

Yesterday afternoon, I finally found the time to post a recap of the Select Board’s discussion on September 5th about the future of 21 Highland Street. Unbeknownst to me, earlier that morning, 130 residents submitted a petition to the the Select Board seeking to stop the sale of the property. Today, a member of the Select Board publicly responded via Letter to the Editor. Read the full article → from Petition to “Stop Sale” of South Union

Letter: Response to “Petition to Stop the Sale of 21 Highland Street”

My Southborough accepts signed letters to the editor submitted by Southborough residents. Letters may be emailed to

The following letter is from Al Hamilton (a member of the Select Board) publicly responding to a petition received by the board. Read the full article → from Letter: Response to “Petition to Stop the Sale of 21 Highland Street”

New memorial for American Revolution veterans to be installed

The Historical Commission and veterans reps will work with the Sons of the American Revolution to install a bronze plaque at the Old Burial Ground honoring those who served in the war

Last week, the Select Board voted to have the Historical Commission oversee details of a new memorial to be installed at the Old Burial Ground. Read the full article → from New memorial for American Revolution veterans to be installed

Select Board puts ticking clock on saving the downtown Gazebo (Updated)

The board gave the public 2 weeks to come up with ideas/take on responsibility for moving the structure from the Main Street property.

On Tuesday, the Select Board determined that they aren’t interested in preserving the gazebo on the Town’s old Main Street property. They are willing to give the public a chance to come up with a solution for saving it. But they put a 2 week deadline on getting that feedback. Read the full article → from Select Board puts ticking clock on saving the downtown Gazebo (Updated)

Old public safety station demolition update

The tear down of the old police and fire stations is a sad sight for some. But preservationists did manage to save a significant feature and the school is offering bricks as mementos.

Previously, I shared that St. Mark’s School planned to tear down the old public safety stations at their 19 & 21 Main Street property. First they worked with preservationists to save a few pieces of Southborough history. Read the full article → from Old public safety station demolition update

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