SOLF Presents: Beavers, What they do and Why

The latest in a local nature series contributed by the Southborough Open Land Foundation

[This post is part of a special guest series focused on appreciating nature in Southborough, contributed by the Southborough Open Land Foundation (SOLF), a non-profit dedicated to preserving and stewarding natural resources here in town.] Read the full article → from SOLF Presents: Beavers, What they do and Why

Pilgrim: “College Students Rally To Support Southborough’s Oldest, Iconic Church”

Pilgrim Church shared news on congregation members who came together this week to paint the historic church.

Volunteers repaint Pilgrim Church (contributed photos)

Above: Community members, including students on break from college, helped the church save on a big maintenance cost by painting more than half of the building. (photos contributed) Pilgrim Church shared news about volunteers that came together last week, to help maintain the historic building. They were proud to highlight that many of the volunteers Read the full article → from Pilgrim: “College Students Rally To Support Southborough’s Oldest, Iconic Church”

Select Board puts ticking clock on saving the downtown Gazebo (Updated)

The board gave the public 2 weeks to come up with ideas/take on responsibility for moving the structure from the Main Street property.

On Tuesday, the Select Board determined that they aren’t interested in preserving the gazebo on the Town’s old Main Street property. They are willing to give the public a chance to come up with a solution for saving it. But they put a 2 week deadline on getting that feedback. Read the full article → from Select Board puts ticking clock on saving the downtown Gazebo (Updated)

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