The public is invited to see how young contest winners depicted what they love about their hometown. Read the full article → from Photo Gallery: YES! Art Contest winners
The public is invited to see how young contest winners depicted what they love about their hometown. Read the full article → from Photo Gallery: YES! Art Contest winners
What went on and off the market this week. Read the full article → from On the market this week in Southborough
Previously, I shared that St. Mark’s School planned to tear down the old public safety stations at their 19 & 21 Main Street property. First they worked with preservationists to save a few pieces of Southborough history. Read the full article → from Old public safety station demolition update
What went on and off the market this week. Read the full article → from On the market this week in Southborough
Southborough Access Media posted the video of Thursday night’s forum. Read the full article → from Candidates Night video
What went on and off the market this week. Read the full article → from On the market this week in Southborough
What went on and off the market this week. Read the full article → from On the market this week in Southborough
What went on and off the market this week. Read the full article → from On the market this week in Southborough
The open discussion thread is your place to ask questions, sound off on town issues, or share information with other readers. Read the full article → from Open discussion thread
What went on and off the market this week. Read the full article → from On the market this week in Southborough
SHS is seeking approval on its plans for refurbishing the interior of the historic Fayville Hall to hold “the town’s new home for history and arts education”. Read the full article → from Historical Society moving ahead with Fayville Hall plans
What went on and off the market this week. Read the full article → from On the market this week in Southborough
The Southborough Senior Center shared photos and a recap from a special event they held last week. They enjoyed a visit and presentation by a familiar face to those who have watched Boston news over the past four decades. Read the full article → from Photo Gallery: Harvey Leonard’s visit to the Senior Center
[This post is part of a special guest series focused on appreciating nature in Southborough, contributed by the Southborough Open Land Foundation (SOLF), a non-profit dedicated to preserving and stewarding natural resources here in town.] Read the full article → from SOLF Presents: Coyotes