What went on and off the market this week. Read the full article → from On the market this week in Southborough
What went on and off the market this week. Read the full article → from On the market this week in Southborough
This week marks the last event in the Summer Concert Series (barring a rain out). Read the full article → from The Midtown Horns sound off in final concert of summer series – Thursday
What went on and off the market this week. Read the full article → from On the market this week in Southborough
Here is more of both the fun and solemnity of community gatherings captured by (or made available through) SAM this spring and summer. Read the full article → from Videos: Strawberry Social, Memorial Day, Food Truck Festival, and a Summer Concert
What went on and off the market this week. Read the full article → from On the market this week in Southborough
The Board of Selectmen aren’t accepting the $5K bid on historic Fayville Hall. Read the full article → from Fayville Hall to go back out to bid
Yesterday, a flock of geese took advantage of the reservoir along Middle Road. Read the full article → from Enjoying the view: Geese on Middle Road
What went on and off the market this week. Read the full article → from On the market this week in Southborough
The focus of a news story and videos from three events in the past few months are close enough in nature to prompt a hybrid roundup. Read the full article → from Protecting nature: Pesticide dangers, organic gardening, and supporting pollinators
A restoration project approved by Town Meeting voters will begin next week. Read the full article → from Restoration work about to begin at the Old Burial Ground
What went on and off the market this week. Read the full article → from On the market this week in Southborough
The open discussion thread is your place to ask questions, sound off on town issues, or share information with other readers. Read the full article → from Open discussion thread: Ask questions, share opinions
I waited so long this summer to post about pick-your-own fruit that there’s not much time left to gather blueberries. Read the full article → from Where to pick your own summer fruit
You don’t have to head to the coast, or even a lake, to enjoy a good game of beach volleyball. Read the full article → from Pick up your volleyball and head to the sand