It’s almost a year since I updated readers on work at 84 Main Street. So, it’s time to check back in. Read the full article → from What’s been going on at the Burnett House/Garfield House (Or is it “Deerfoot”?) (Updated)
It’s almost a year since I updated readers on work at 84 Main Street. So, it’s time to check back in. Read the full article → from What’s been going on at the Burnett House/Garfield House (Or is it “Deerfoot”?) (Updated)
A reader reached out to ask if I could find out what happened to the baby swans on the Sudbury Reservoir. Read the full article → from Where are the cygnets? Looking for news on Southborough’s swans
What went on and off the market this week. Read the full article → from On the market this week in Southborough
The Southborough Historical Society’s cataloging effort has borne fruit again. This one is the discovery of 17th century documents centering around the Nipmuc tribe in our region. Read the full article → from Historical Society reveals “priceless” historical documents of “Smithsonian” quality
What went on and off the market this week. Read the full article → from On the market this week in Southborough
The Historical Commission is has announced efforts to preserve Old Burial Ground headstones, which not only recorded Southborough History, but are considered folk art that “reflects the tastes, beliefs, and the lives of the residents of the Southborough over its first century and a half.” Read the full article → from Historical working to conserve Southborough’s Old Burial Ground
I know there is more town news worth sharing, but I need to some time off before the kids go back to school. To hold you off until Wednesday, here are some reminders and links. Read the full article → from End of summer mini-blogcation: Be back Wednesday
Saturday night was a beautiful one for the 14th annual Southborough Summer Nights. Read the full article → from Photo Gallery: Summer Nights 2017
What went on and off the market this week. Read the full article → from On the market this week in Southborough
What went on and off the market this week. Read the full article → from On the market this week in Southborough
This month, the Town announced a congratulations to one employee that is bittersweet for some of the community. The Library’s Hiedi Lindsey was promoted to the Town House. Lindsey accepted the post of Assistant Town Accountant. Read the full article → from Heidi Lindsey moving from Library to Town House (Say congrats and farewell Aug 22)
A reader shared a photo that startled me today. Read the full article → from Photos: St. Matthews renovation and build out (Updated)
I know there is more news worth sharing, but I need to take the rest of the day off. To hold you over to Monday, here are some reminders and links. Read the full article → from Another mini-blogcation: Be back Monday
What went on and off the market this week. Read the full article → from On the market this week in Southborough