SOLF Presents: How Do You “Do” the Woods?

The latest in a local nature series contributed by the Southborough Open Land Foundation

[This post is part of a special guest series focused on appreciating nature in Southborough, contributed by the Southborough Open Land Foundation (SOLF), a non-profit dedicated to preserving and stewarding natural resources here in town.] Read the full article → from SOLF Presents: How Do You “Do” the Woods?

Petition to “Stop Sale” of South Union

Residents want a working group that includes neighbors to explore uses of 21 Highland Street before any decisions are made.

Yesterday afternoon, I finally found the time to post a recap of the Select Board’s discussion on September 5th about the future of 21 Highland Street. Unbeknownst to me, earlier that morning, 130 residents submitted a petition to the the Select Board seeking to stop the sale of the property. Today, a member of the Select Board publicly responded via Letter to the Editor. Read the full article → from Petition to “Stop Sale” of South Union

Letter: Response to “Petition to Stop the Sale of 21 Highland Street”

My Southborough accepts signed letters to the editor submitted by Southborough residents. Letters may be emailed to

The following letter is from Al Hamilton (a member of the Select Board) publicly responding to a petition received by the board. Read the full article → from Letter: Response to “Petition to Stop the Sale of 21 Highland Street”

New memorial for American Revolution veterans to be installed

The Historical Commission and veterans reps will work with the Sons of the American Revolution to install a bronze plaque at the Old Burial Ground honoring those who served in the war

Last week, the Select Board voted to have the Historical Commission oversee details of a new memorial to be installed at the Old Burial Ground. Read the full article → from New memorial for American Revolution veterans to be installed

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