What went on and off the market this week. Read the full article → from On the market this week in Southborough
SOLF Presents: Invasive Japanese Knotwood
The latest in a local nature series contributed by the Southborough Open Land Foundation
[This post is part of a special guest series focused on appreciating nature in Southborough, contributed by the Southborough Open Land Foundation (SOLF), a non-profit dedicated to preserving and stewarding natural resources here in town.] Read the full article → from SOLF Presents: Invasive Japanese Knotwood
On the market this week in Southborough
What went on and off the market this week. Read the full article → from On the market this week in Southborough
On the market this week in Southborough
What went on and off the market this week. Read the full article → from On the market this week in Southborough
Amazon drivers parking on Southborough lawns make news
Last week, a news crew from WBZ/CBS Boston News followed up on a story that was circulating on Facebook in Southborough — complaints of Amazon drivers that have purportedly parked on residents lawns causing damage. One resident shared video footage that captured an egregious example. Read the full article → from Amazon drivers parking on Southborough lawns make news
On the market this week in Southborough
What went on and off the market this week. Read the full article → from On the market this week in Southborough
Fayville Hall Restoration Update
The Southborough Historical Society issued an update on their ongoing restoration of Fayville Village Hall. It was part of a request for financial support to help cover the “thousand things that remain to be done (and paid for)” to convert the historic building into a History and Arts Center for the town. Read the full article → from Fayville Hall Restoration Update
Southborough home a finalist in “Battle of the Holiday Lights”
Boston 25 News is encouraging viewers to vote on their favorite of three light displays
A home on Parkerville Road is one of three finalists for a tv station’s “Battle of the Holiday Lights”. Read the full article → from Southborough home a finalist in “Battle of the Holiday Lights”
End of year giving in Southborough
If you are looking to support non-profits before the end of your fiscal year, there are plenty of options in town to consider. Read the full article → from End of year giving in Southborough
On the market this week in Southborough
What went on and off the market this week. Read the full article → from On the market this week in Southborough
Historical documents project and website
A project headed by the Town Clerk to digitize and organize historical records can be accessed by the public on a searchable website. Funding requests are coming for old records that can't be scanned in house.
The Town Clerk’s office has been overseeing a project to preserve and digitize the Town’s historical records. As part of the project the digital records are being uploaded to a dedicated, searchable public website that describes each document and why it is significant. Read the full article → from Historical documents project and website
On the market this week in Southborough
What went on and off the market this week. Read the full article → from On the market this week in Southborough
Photos & Video: Santa landing and other Holiday fun
A look at the early Christmas & Winter holiday festivities on "Santa Day" in Southborough
Here are my photo and video highlights from Santa Day and other holiday festivities and fundraisers in Southborough over the weekend. Read the full article → from Photos & Video: Santa landing and other Holiday fun
On the market this week in Southborough
What went on and off the market this week. Read the full article → from On the market this week in Southborough