I pulled up behind this van stopped at the Route 30/85 light yesterday. Creepy. Read the full article → from In the spirit
Southborough wildlife: Waterfowl edition
I was taking shots of this swan cruising the reservoir off Parkerville Road: When this guy popped out of the brush: A heron, I think? He didn’t stick around long: Meanwhile, across the road, a gaggle of geese was loitering on someone’s lawn: Read the full article → from Southborough wildlife: Waterfowl edition
Sudbury Reservoir at twilight
The Sudbury Reservoir positively glows with fall colors this time of year, which makes this moody twilight shot all the more intriguing. Photo uploaded to flickr by dude80cool. Reprinted with permission. Read the full article → from Sudbury Reservoir at twilight
The first snowball of the year
More like an ice ball, really. Read the full article → from The first snowball of the year
What month is it again?
This is what those of us in Southborough woke up to this morning. Not very October-like. Read the full article → from What month is it again?
A foggy morning
It was a foggy morning for some in Southboorugh yesterday. Thanks to Fred and Cindy Hill for sending in this lovely photo. Read the full article → from A foggy morning
Further afield: Where I’ve been this week
I mentioned that I was traveling this week. Here’s where I was: Southborough is home, but Seattle is a close second. I don’t mind the gray and rainy, but I didn’t have to deal with much of that on this trip. And when Seattle is sunny, it’s one of the most beautiful places around. Read the full article → from Further afield: Where I’ve been this week
Some photos from my backyard. Read the full article → from Raindrops
So long summer, we hardly knew ya
Today is the first day of fall, and as you make your way around town you’ll notice the autumnal color is already starting to appear. Despite the less-than-stellar summer weather, forecasters are predicting a pretty fall foliage season. So, to celebrate, here is some color from around my yard on this the first day of Read the full article → from So long summer, we hardly knew ya
Fall has arrived at Gulbankian’s
I stopped by Gulbankian’s (map) the other day to buy some mums for my front step. It was sunny, the air was cool, and everything had a decidedly autumnal feel. Carolyn Gulbankian told me their pumpkins, gourds, and bales of hay had just arrived earlier that day. I took some photos while I was there. Read the full article → from Fall has arrived at Gulbankian’s
The fungus among us, part 2
I’ve been absolutely fascinated by the variety of fungi popping up in my yard this year. Here’s the latest crop. Another thing that has been abundant this year is slugs. So, for good measure, here’s a slug shot from reader Amy. She said stretched out, this guy was about the length of a dollar bill. Read the full article → from The fungus among us, part 2
Southborough flyover
I happened to be outside yesterday evening taking pictures of the glorious sunset … … when I heard, and then finally saw, these guys overhead: They were so loud, I’m sure the whole town must have heard them. I only wish I had a better lens on my camera at the time. I’m guessing the Read the full article → from Southborough flyover
Photos: Southborough Community Gardens
I stopped by the Southborough Community Gardens the other week to see what was growing. I found tomatoes (despite the blight), pumpkins, and sunflowers, among others. The community garden, sponsored by the Conservation Commission, is located at the Breakneck Hill Conservation Area. Plots are rented out and planted by Southborough residents. Many gardeners put up Read the full article → from Photos: Southborough Community Gardens
Staying cool on a hot day
The belties at Chestnut Hill have the right idea today. Read the full article → from Staying cool on a hot day