I’m sharing another video sent in by a Main Street resident that captured an unexpected visitor. Read the full article → from Another Bobcat sighting on Main Street
Posts that feature You Tube videos related to town matters. Some news, but mostly features. Includes local access media coverage of town events.
Video Roundup from local cable access
Channels captured: Parenting Your A+ Child, ARHS Concert, Hot Seat interview, Making Maple Syrup, LGBTQ+ Pride Panel, and Celebrating Wellness & Kim Tolander

Here is the latest round of videos from local media and the schools. Read the full article → from Video Roundup from local cable access
Amazon drivers parking on Southborough lawns make news
Last week, a news crew from WBZ/CBS Boston News followed up on a story that was circulating on Facebook in Southborough — complaints of Amazon drivers that have purportedly parked on residents lawns causing damage. One resident shared video footage that captured an egregious example. Read the full article → from Amazon drivers parking on Southborough lawns make news
Photos & Video: Santa landing and other Holiday fun
A look at the early Christmas & Winter holiday festivities on "Santa Day" in Southborough

Here are my photo and video highlights from Santa Day and other holiday festivities and fundraisers in Southborough over the weekend. Read the full article → from Photos & Video: Santa landing and other Holiday fun
Finn students pie principal

It’s a silly bit of news out of the schools. But the video made me smile so I’m hoping it makes readers smile, too. Read the full article → from Finn students pie principal
Videos: NSBORO Music, Song, and Stories

Over the past few weeks, Northborough Cable captured three special performances for the public that took place at Algonquin. I’m sharing their videos with you. Read the full article → from Videos: NSBORO Music, Song, and Stories
Fireworks make a bang at Summer Nights

I’m sharing photos (and videos) from Southborough’s fireworks display on Saturday night. Read the full article → from Fireworks make a bang at Summer Nights
Video: Bobcat on the prowl

A reader shared a video of a feline who passed through his Main Street property (near Chestnut Hill Road). Read the full article → from Video: Bobcat on the prowl
Candidates Night video
Southborough Access Media posted the video of Thursday night’s forum. Read the full article → from Candidates Night video
Update on Women’s Empowerment Exhibit

This morning, WBZ News covered the “Women’s Empowerment” exhibit featuring a Southborough artist and some resident subjects. The report added a detail about fundraising to benefit Dignity Matters. Read the full article → from Update on Women’s Empowerment Exhibit
Summer Concert Series: Hit the Bus plays Wednesday night

Next up in the series is the return of Hit the Bus this Wednesday at the Neary outdoor stage. Read the full article → from Summer Concert Series: Hit the Bus plays Wednesday night
Storm Large will move on in AGT competition
AGT’s panel judged a Southborough native has talent worth sharing with America. Read the full article → from Storm Large will move on in AGT competition
Area chorus welcomes members to rehearse and perform over zoom
The Northborough Area Community Chorus is welcoming new members, including Southborough residents. The chorus is currently holding rehearsals over zoom with plans to produce a virtual concert in May. Read the full article → from Area chorus welcomes members to rehearse and perform over zoom
NSBORO posted webinar for Increased In Person Learning
The link to the recorded video was posted to YouTube. Read the full article → from NSBORO posted webinar for Increased In Person Learning