Update on Clinics and Covid

Another vax clinic has been schedules and I'm sharing NSBORO's latest Covid data.

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As of Friday, Trottier Middle School was reporting 22 cases of Covid confirmed last week. I took a look and confirmed that there are still slots open for the vaccine clinic for Covid Boosters for ages 12+ – with one being held tonight.  Read the full article → from Update on Clinics and Covid

Covid Update and Vax Clinics Reminder

Last week, Trottier reported 22 Covid Cases. If you haven't yet, you may want to register for Covid Booster and/or Flu Clinics - including one tonight.

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As of Friday, Trottier Middle School was reporting 22 cases of Covid confirmed last week. I took a look and confirmed that there are still slots open for the vaccine clinic for Covid Boosters for ages 12+ – with one being held tonight.  Read the full article → from Covid Update and Vax Clinics Reminder

Seeking volunteers for new Capital committee and more (Updated)

CIPC is seeking new members. Judging from the vacancies page on the Town website, there are a lot of other committees still in need of volunteers

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There’s more news about openings on important committees in town.

The latest announcements mean that Southborough is under represented on both of our high school committees and that the Conservation Commission is in need of help.

Plus, there are other important seats that need filling. Read the full article → from Seeking volunteers for new Capital committee and more (Updated)

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