Last month, a Southborough commercial property owner was notified that the federal government was terminating its lease for an IRS office. This month, the decision was rescinded. Read the full article → from IRS Office Lease Cancelled and Uncancelled in Southborough
Luxury clothing pop-up shopping event — Sunday
The downtown "RuvyaRang" market will feature "authentic Indian" and "fusion artistry" clothing, with options for custom orders.

This Sunday, a “luxury designer pop-up” will be held at the Community House. The “RuvyaRang” event will feature Indian and fusion designs with options for customized orders. Read the full article → from Luxury clothing pop-up shopping event — Sunday
Police arrest man for alleged B&E at vacant building
Sharing SPD's news about an arrest at 241 Turnpike Rd. Plus, an update on the business project that had been planned at the site of the former Andrea Restaurant.
Southborough Police issued a press release about an arrest made of a man accused of breaking into a vacant commercial building in Southborough. The building is the former Andrea Restaurant that has been vacant for decades. It’s the site of a delayed project for a luxury car condo at the corner of Rte 9 West and Parkerville Road. Read the full article → from Police arrest man for alleged B&E at vacant building
Industrial Park update: EMC sold off another property; IP Zoning changes pushed to fall

The company that purchased 32 Coslin Drive has since negotiated a deal to buy an abutting parcel. While I’m sharing that news, I’m also providing an update on the Town’s efforts to revise zoning bylaws that could impact both parcels. Read the full article → from Industrial Park update: EMC sold off another property; IP Zoning changes pushed to fall
Job listings
Exec Director for Regional Emergency Communications Center and NSBORO School postings (including several long term sub positions)

I received another posting of jobs available in Southborough. Read the full article → from Job listings
2 East Main St developer announces change to multi-family only building project
Downtown landowner finds mixed-use zoning includes "obstacles" too restrictive to move forward with retail uses

One of the Planning Board agenda items tonight that should draw public interest is a big change to the proposed mixed-residential and commercial/retail project at 2 East Main Street. According to the property owner, definitions under the Downtown District zoning bylaws “severely restrict project size to the point of economic failure”. Read the full article → from 2 East Main St developer announces change to multi-family only building project
Shop Local for your Valentine’s Day gifts and more
Supporting Southborough business owners helps our community

Every year, I encourage readers to support Small Business Saturday by shopping local. (Although, there’s no real reason you have to wait until the weekend!) Read the full article → from Shop Local for your Valentine’s Day gifts and more
A Taste of Southborough’s History: Manion’s Vanilla
Elevate Your Holiday Recipes

This holiday season, make your baking, cooking, and gift-giving extra special with Manion’s Vanilla Extract – a premium, locally crafted product that brings both purity and tradition to every recipe.
[The following information was provided by My Southborough sponsor Manion’s Vanilla.] Read the full article → from A Taste of Southborough’s History: Manion’s Vanilla
EMC sold 32 Coslin Drive for $26.1M

One of EMC’s properties in Southborough was purchased last week for $26.1 million. The 145,000-square-foot* office building on a 19.76 acre parcel at 32 Coslin Drive was purchased by Atlantic Management Corp. Read the full article → from EMC sold 32 Coslin Drive for $26.1M
Shop Local for the holidays and support Small Business Saturday
Support Southborough business owners throughout the holiday season

Every year, I encourage readers to support Small Business Saturday by shopping local. (Although, there’s no real reason you have to wait until the weekend!) Read the full article → from Shop Local for the holidays and support Small Business Saturday
Holiday & Plant Decor Liquidation Sale

A Southborough based business that provided interior/exterior landscapes and holiday designs has closed. Now they are selling off their remaining stock, which includes a whole lot of indoor and outdoor Christmas and holiday decor. Read the full article → from Holiday & Plant Decor Liquidation Sale
Planning Board working on more Zoning updates
Town efforts to take on ADU Bylaw Compliance and Business Friendlier Zoning Amendments
Exactly three weeks after getting the big MBTA Communities overlay zoning bylaw passed, the Planning Board discussed their plans for taking on two new sets of zoning changes. Read the full article → from Planning Board working on more Zoning updates
Letter: Southborough at the Crossroads
My Southborough accepts signed letters to the editor submitted by Southborough residents. Letters may be emailed to
The following letter is from Al Hamilton, a member of the Select Board. Read the full article → from Letter: Southborough at the Crossroads
Job listings:
SYFS Program Coordinator and more school jobs including IT Manager and long term Kindegarten teacher substitute

I received another posting of jobs available in Southborough. Read the full article → from Job listings: