Southborough Community Power Choice – look twice before you opt out of savings plan (But, medium & large businesses should probably opt out)

I need to follow up on my earlier posts about the Town’s Municipal Aggregation Plan, marketed as Southborough Community Power Choice. Read the full article → from Southborough Community Power Choice – look twice before you opt out of savings plan (But, medium & large businesses should probably opt out)

EDC roundtable findings: Possibility of “investing” in downtown lot; investigating re-zoning and treatment plant options (Updated)

On November 30th, the Economic Development Committee held a workshop inviting residents to join roundtable discussions on issues around revitalizing downtown. They are now sharing some of their takeaways.

One that may garner the most attention is the possibility of the Town purchasing land. Read the full article → from EDC roundtable findings: Possibility of “investing” in downtown lot; investigating re-zoning and treatment plant options (Updated)

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