Don’t forget to put out your bags for the town’s annual drive for the Southborough Food Pantry. Read the full article → from Reminder: Scouting for Food – Bags out by 9am this Saturday
Don’t forget to put out your bags for the town’s annual drive for the Southborough Food Pantry. Read the full article → from Reminder: Scouting for Food – Bags out by 9am this Saturday
The Friends of the Southborough Recreation Department are hoping that families in town will continue to support its Thanksgiving tradition – the Gobble Wobble. Read the full article → from Gobble Wobble 2019: Reminders to register and/or volunteer
Saturday was the big 5K fundraiser for the Shifrin family. Happily, it was a much nicer day than today. Read the full article → from Photo Gallery: Southborough rallied for SHIFSTRONG (You can still help)
This weekend, you can join in a fundraiser for the Shifrin family and/or support awareness for veterans issues. Read the full article → from Running and Walking for causes this weekend
It’s time for the annual Scouting for Food drive. Look for scouts posting bags on doorknobs this weekend. They’ll be coming back around the following Saturday hoping to find pantry donations for pickup. Read the full article → from Scouting for Food: Flyer posting this Saturday; pickup November 9th
For decades, Southborough Gardeners have decorated the Town for the holidays. They’re asking the community to pitch in to make it possible again this year. Read the full article → from Southborough Gardeners ask for contributions to Wreath program
A week from Saturday, the community is invited to a 5K Run and Fun Run to raise funds for the Shifrin family. Read the full article → from Reminder: Run for SHIFSTRONG – November 2nd
Every year, Neary students, families, and staff donate candy to ship to overseas troops after Halloween. This year, the school is reaching out to ask people for input on service members to ship packages to. Read the full article → from Neary School seeking service members’ names for Candy for Troops drive
Children and parents/caregivers are invited to walk through another story at the new picture book display in town. Read the full article → from Finn StoryWalk® officially opened in dedication to former Principal Randell
The department has brought back an awareness and fundraising campaign it launched last fall. Read the full article → from SPD holding annual Pink Patch Project for Breast Cancer Awareness
Finn School is looking for volunteers to lend a hand in the classroom with regular academic activities. Read the full article → from Finn School asks community to volunteer time to help in the Classroom
The Town is combining an effort to promote the newly renovated golf course with a fundraiser to support a cause in honor of two key players in its success. Read the full article → from Play Golf for ALS One – Heritage Day weekend
The Bloodmobile will be in town next Wednesday to collect donations for Children’s Hospital patients. Read the full article → from Blood Drive: Give Pints to Half Pints – Wednesday
On November 3rd, Linnea Leger will “Walk to Defeat ALS” again. The fundraiser to find a cure for the disease is all the way on the other coast. But her personal cause has deep Southborough roots. Read the full article → from Raising more funds to “Defeat ALS” in memory of Helen Grimm Leger