Historical Society: Challenge Grant to match your donations, restoration efforts, and more fascinating history

SHS is making a plea for contributions to help them preserve history. And, I’m sharing some of the fascinating history they’ve recently shared – including an ironic post on why St. Anne’s Church is a replica of the original church which would have been almost 130 years old today. Read the full article → from Historical Society: Challenge Grant to match your donations, restoration efforts, and more fascinating history

Teens look to provide charitable grants for programs incorporating “youth voices” – apply by November 1

The Greater Worcester Community Foundation’s teen grant-making committee is now accepting applications. The Youth for Community Improvement is looking to support access to food, youth engagement, and neighborhood enrichment in the Greater Worcester area. Southborough organizations are welcome to apply. Read the full article → from Teens look to provide charitable grants for programs incorporating “youth voices” – apply by November 1

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