New Affordable Housing Trust board to meet tonight

The Select Board hopes that the revamped oversight board will succeed in making real progress on creating affordable housing opportunities in Southborough.

A recomposed committee to oversee Southborough’s Affordable Housing Trust was officially appointed this month. The “Board of Trustees of the Affordable Housing Trust (AHT)” will meet for the second time tonight (in person only). Read the full article → from New Affordable Housing Trust board to meet tonight

CA: School bus contract will go back out to bid

Based on bids that were too high, NSBORO will put out a revised transportation contract for bidding

The administration and school committees were hoping to reduce transportation issues through a new contract for next year. Unfortunately, they learned through the two bids received on the contract, improvements as proposed would have come at a big cost. Read the full article → from CA: School bus contract will go back out to bid

Teen Interview Prep Workshop (and other “Protocol” programs)

Based on Rec's Facebook post, your teen interested in being a CIT might need this even more than you realize!

Southborough Recreation is promoting an upcoming “Interview Prep Workshop” for teens ages 13-18.

In a noteworthy Facebook post on the topic, Rec also announced a big change for this year’s Summer Camp program for CITs (Counselors in Training) that may make signing kids up a higher priority for some families. Read the full article → from Teen Interview Prep Workshop (and other “Protocol” programs)

Reminder: Survey for parents on youth “substance use” in the community

The coalition to prevent youth alcohol & drug use is looking for input to help prioritize and create "meaningful and effective" strategies

Southborough Youth & Family Services has asked me to remind the community about an important survey promoted in the fall.

If you are a Southborough (or Northborough) parent/caregiver who hasn’t yet completed the anonymous Encompass Survey, please take a few minutes to provide your input related to alcohol and drugs. Read the full article → from Reminder: Survey for parents on youth “substance use” in the community

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