If you’re interested in running for Town Office, you can start the process tomorrow. Read the full article → from Town Election season opens Wednesday
Transfer Station Trash Pit will be briefly closed in early March
The station will still be open for regular hours, but with a different process and a few restrictions.
The Town is giving advance notice of work that will temporarily impact normal operations at the Transfer Station in a few weeks. Read the full article → from Transfer Station Trash Pit will be briefly closed in early March
Neary Building Committee Update
The committee will be holding "visioning sessions" and public forums
Last week, I wrote about the recommendation to the Select Board for a future Community Center that is contingent on the outcome of work being done by the Neary Building Committee. Yesterday, an update was issued on that committee’s work. Read the full article → from Neary Building Committee Update
The week in government (Updated)
Planning Board hearing on zoning Articles; School Committee on Recommended Budget; Select Board and Advisory on Budgets and Article positions; Conservation Commission and more
Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government (Updated)
Community Center committee recommends using Finn School (if available)
The group representing a variety of interest groups agreed on the best path for future town facilities, with a big caveat.
The Select Board was presented this week with concepts for how Finn School could be converted to a Community Center in the future, with some storage and offices for municipal departments. Read the full article → from Community Center committee recommends using Finn School (if available)
Found a pothole? Call DPW
DPW has been patrolling and filling potholes. If they missed one on your road (or one you commute on), call them. Read the full article → from Found a pothole? Call DPW
Annual Town Meeting: Citizen’s Petition on CPA
Annual Town Meeting is coming up at the end of next month. There’s a lot on the Warrant that I’ll need to cover between now and then. One interesting Article that just popped up is a Citizen’s Petition Article to change a voting threshold for committing Community Preservation Act funds. Read the full article → from Annual Town Meeting: Citizen’s Petition on CPA
’24 Winter Sow program to grow native seedlings (for free) (Updated)
Register now for seed pickup and/or Workshop on Saturday.
If you’d like to have plants in your yard and around the community this summer that support native pollinators, sign up now to sow the seeds this winter to make that happen. Read the full article → from ’24 Winter Sow program to grow native seedlings (for free) (Updated)
The week in government
Select Board on ATM Warrant Articles; ZBA on 120 Turnpike Rd 40B
Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government
Voting in the Presidential Primary
Register (or update your party affiliation) by Feb 24th; Request your Mail in Ballot by Feb 27th; Early Voting options
The “Super Tuesday” Presidential Primary is just a month from today. The Town Clerk asked me to share important information on registration, voting by mail, and early voting options. Read the full article → from Voting in the Presidential Primary
MBTA Zoning Update
Questions raised about Cordaville Triangle, historic homes, and parcels not included.
On Monday night, residents and property owners/developers questioned the parcels that the Planning Board has selected for proposed MBTA zoning overlays. Read the full article → from MBTA Zoning Update
Volunteers for 21 Highland Future Use Committee by Feb 1st
Plus, a look at other openings on Town committees
There are still vacancies on the 21 Highland Future Use Committee. The Town is seeking neighbors who live within a half mile, and an at-large member.
As long as I’m sharing that news, here are other vacancies on Town Committees. Read the full article → from Volunteers for 21 Highland Future Use Committee by Feb 1st
Sign up for free Narcan Training – February 5th
Southborough Public Health is offering another free training for using a drug to reverse opioid overdoses
Next week, Southborough Public Health is providing Narcan, and the training required to use it, for free. Read the full article → from Sign up for free Narcan Training – February 5th
The week in government
School committees' Policy Development, Planning Board, Select Board, and more
Here is a selection of the committee and board meetings for the week along with my selected highlights from the agendas. Read the full article → from The week in government