Teen Interview Prep Workshop (and other “Protocol” programs)

Based on Rec's Facebook post, your teen interested in being a CIT might need this even more than you realize!

Southborough Recreation is promoting an upcoming “Interview Prep Workshop” for teens ages 13-18.

In a noteworthy Facebook post on the topic, Rec also announced a big change for this year’s Summer Camp program for CITs (Counselors in Training) that may make signing kids up a higher priority for some families. Read the full article → from Teen Interview Prep Workshop (and other “Protocol” programs)

Reminder: Survey for parents on youth “substance use” in the community

The coalition to prevent youth alcohol & drug use is looking for input to help prioritize and create "meaningful and effective" strategies

Southborough Youth & Family Services has asked me to remind the community about an important survey promoted in the fall.

If you are a Southborough (or Northborough) parent/caregiver who hasn’t yet completed the anonymous Encompass Survey, please take a few minutes to provide your input related to alcohol and drugs. Read the full article → from Reminder: Survey for parents on youth “substance use” in the community

Planning Board Hearings to be continued to late January

The Board will be asked to push Monday's hearings to January 27th for 2 East Main St, Meadow Reservoir Development, and the Contractor's Yard Building at 250 Turnpike Road

I’m behind on updating readers about several projects that developers have been seeking permits for. One that I’ve been meaning to dig into is the mixed-use building downtown at 2 East Main Street. The good news for me is that I’ve been given more time, since the hearing scheduled to resume on Monday should be continued to a future date.

While I’m sharing that new, I’ll also cover the similar status of a small housing development proposed at 26 Meadow Lane and 250 Turnpike Road (contractor’s yard). Read the full article → from Planning Board Hearings to be continued to late January

Join the Shelf Help book group to take on reversing depression

Reminder that SYFS & the Library offer a special "community book discussion group", covering a few chapters at a time. This month they'll start discussing navigating depression/anxiety.

Whether you like the genre, or you are especially interested in the topic tackled, you may want to join the self help book group organized by the Town. Read the full article → from Join the Shelf Help book group to take on reversing depression

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