STM Article 15: Paying for the doubled cost of cleaning up the farm dump at Breakneck Hill

Last year, Town Meeting voters approved borrowing and spending $2.2M to cleanup an old farm dump on Breakneck Hill Conservation Land. On Monday, voters will be asked to add on another over $2.13M for a cleanup project that is turning out to cost about double what had been estimated. Read the full article → from STM Article 15: Paying for the doubled cost of cleaning up the farm dump at Breakneck Hill

STM Article 14: Full Time EDC Coordinator (Updated)

At their joint August 27th meeting, the Select Board Chair warned the Advisory Committee that Southborough is “bleeding businesses”. Referring to the situation as an emergency, she advocated for the Town to invest in a solution. Read the full article → from STM Article 14: Full Time EDC Coordinator (Updated)

MBTA Zoning Overlay up for vote on Sept 30 (Updated)

The final details on what the Planning Board is planning to ask voters to support at the Special Town Meeting. And public debate at the most recent public hearing.

On Monday, September 30th, voters will decide at a Special Town Meeting whether to support the Planning Board’s proposal for complying with the state’s MBTA Communities zoning laws. Read the full article → from MBTA Zoning Overlay up for vote on Sept 30 (Updated)

SYFS offers mental health learning your schedule

Book an info session on supporting people with Depression, Anxiety, or ADHD, Listening/Speaking with LOVE, Navigating the Mental Health System, Preventing Suicides, or just learning about the department's services.

SYFS is announcing a more flexible way for people to learn about mental health topics that can help them, their loved ones, or even groups of colleagues. Read the full article → from SYFS offers mental health learning your schedule

Shelf Help: A book group focused on self-help (Updated)

SYFS & the Library are teaming up to offer a special "community book discussion group", a few chapters at a time. The first topic is Child Anxiety and/or OCD.

Whether you like the genre, or you are especially interested in the first topic tackled, you may want to join a new book group organized by the Town. Read the full article → from Shelf Help: A book group focused on self-help (Updated)

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