This letter to the editor from resident Jack Barron provides his summary of the “chain of events” related to the St Mark’s Street and park construction project and welcomes community comments. Read the full article → from Letter: St. Mark’s Street & Park Timeline
Letters to the Editor
Letter: Asking for Investigation into Corruption (Updated)
This letter to the editor from resident David Parry is his open letter alleging corruption related to the St Mark’s Street and Park project and pushing for a police investigation. Read the full article → from Letter: Asking for Investigation into Corruption (Updated)
Letter: Citizen’s Petition To Expand Voting in Municipal Elections
This letter to the editor from resident James Nichols-Worley explains his Citizen’s Petition Article to allow 17 year olds to vote in Southborough Town elections and asks voters to support it at Town Meeting. Read the full article → from Letter: Citizen’s Petition To Expand Voting in Municipal Elections
Letter: To Select Board on DPW Management
This letter to the editor from Michael Weishan pushes for five things the Select Board should immediately do related to management of the Department of Public Works and the St. Mark’s Street and park project. Read the full article → from Letter: To Select Board on DPW Management
Letter: Making Headway On the St Marks Road Project
This letter to the editor is from David Parry lauding progress made by the St Marks Road and Park Working Group on the St. Mark’s Street and Park project. Read the full article → from Letter: Making Headway On the St Marks Road Project
Letter: A regional dispatch center is wrong for our community
This letter to the editor from the President of the Southborough Communications Officers Union publicly advocates for a “locally based public safety communications and 911 dispatching, and a police headquarters that is staffed 24 hours a day.” Read the full article → from Letter: A regional dispatch center is wrong for our community
Letter: 2022 Southborough Real Estate Tax Policy Review
The following letter to the editor is from resident Carl Guyer to present data and explain why he advocates for property tax-rates to be split (with a lower rate for residential properties than commercial/industrial properties). Read the full article → from Letter: 2022 Southborough Real Estate Tax Policy Review
Letter: Context for Town Meeting Article 16 – Neary School Feasibility Study
This letter to the editor from Kathy Cook explains the Town Meeting Article to fund a feasibility study for Neary School. Read the full article → from Letter: Context for Town Meeting Article 16 – Neary School Feasibility Study
Candidate’s Letter: Alan Belniak for Planning Board
This spring, residents will choose from two candidates running for one seat on the Planning Board. To help you make that decision, I have invited each to submit a letter to readers. Read the full article → from Candidate’s Letter: Alan Belniak for Planning Board
Candidate’s Letter: Debbie DeMuria for Planning Board
This spring, residents will choose from two candidates running for one seat on the Planning Board. To help you make that decision, I have invited each to submit a letter to readers. Read the full article → from Candidate’s Letter: Debbie DeMuria for Planning Board
Letter: Eliminate anonymous comments
This letter to the editor from resident Chris Robbins urges the editor to stop allowing anonymous comments on Read the full article → from Letter: Eliminate anonymous comments
Letter: Statement from Michael Weishan about resignation and St Marks Street project
This letter to the editor from Michael Weishan is his public explanation for his resignation from the Historical Commission, and includes allegations related to the St. Mark’s Street and park project and political retaliation. Read the full article → from Letter: Statement from Michael Weishan about resignation and St Marks Street project
Letter: Can we save the “Constitution Ash”?
This letter to the editor from resident Al Hamilton seeks supports for efforts to save ash trees threatened by an invasive insect. Read the full article → from Letter: Can we save the “Constitution Ash”?
Letter: Open letter to residents on Monday night’s Special Town Meeting
This letter to the editor from the Historical Commission Chair about alleged “disinformation” from proponents of the Downtown Initiative at the November 1st Special Town Meeting. Read the full article → from Letter: Open letter to residents on Monday night’s Special Town Meeting