Annual Town Meeting votes No on budget decrease, Yes on specific increase

Voters opposed a resident's call to reduce the overall budget by 1% and agreed to another resident's call to fund more emergency communications dispatchers.

On Saturday, Town Meeting voters shot down one resident’s pitch to shave 1% off the overall budget. Soon after, they agreed with another resident’s push to improve public safety by increasing the budget to hire two more dispatchers. Read the full article → from Annual Town Meeting votes No on budget decrease, Yes on specific increase

NSBORO Wellness Days Unanimously Revised for ’24-25

Next year's school calendar will include three half day Wellness days, spread out over the year.

Northborough-Southborough Public Schools’ Wellness Days won’t look the same next year. Starting in the fall, they will be fewer, more evenly spread out, and held as half-days for students. Read the full article → from NSBORO Wellness Days Unanimously Revised for ’24-25

Annual Town Meeting recap

Investments in Emergency Communications, a potential Library expansion, the golf course, accessible trails, and more.

Yesterday, a small percentage of Southborough voters agreed to fund improving public safety, pursuing a Library expansion project, investing in Town recreational assets, stabilizing special education budget impacts, preserving the Town’s history and seed money for Tricentennial celebrations. They also enabled pursuit of a solar project at Trottier and agreed to clean up zoning language.

They even weighed in on the Patriot’s decision to fire Bill Belichick! Read the full article → from Annual Town Meeting recap

Annual Town Meeting 2024 at-a-glance

What's up for a vote with links to related coverage

Southborough’s Annual Town Meeting, will convene tomorrow to approve spending, amend local bylaws, and “advise” officials. All registered voters are able (and encouraged) to participate.

Here is the list of Articles to be voted on with links to more information for those who want more details. Read the full article → from Annual Town Meeting 2024 at-a-glance

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