Downtown District’s mixed-use zoning: Code confusion, interpretation issues, and viability criticism

A project at 2 E Main St puts a spotlight on issues around the mixed-use zoning, including an apparent mistake in the Town Code.

Special Town Meeting voted to create a bylaw for mixed residential and commercial use buildings zoning downtown. Years later, the first project publicly proposed to make use of the new zoning ran into obstacles that highlight some issues. (The Building Commissioner has apparently interpreted the language differently than it was pitched to voters. And I discovered that the bylaw printed in the online Town Code isn’t the version that voters passed.) Read the full article → from Downtown District’s mixed-use zoning: Code confusion, interpretation issues, and viability criticism

2 East Main St developer announces change to multi-family only building project

Downtown landowner finds mixed-use zoning includes "obstacles" too restrictive to move forward with retail uses

One of the Planning Board agenda items tonight that should draw public interest is a big change to the proposed mixed-residential and commercial/retail project at 2 East Main Street. According to the property owner, definitions under the Downtown District zoning bylaws “severely restrict project size to the point of economic failure”. Read the full article → from 2 East Main St developer announces change to multi-family only building project

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