Driveways to public safety complex, golf course, and Woodward explained

The Public Safety Building Committee asked me to help get the word out about dos and don’ts for egress to the facility, the golf course behind it, and the school next to it. The committee worked with Southborough Access Media to produce a video explanation. Read the full article → from Driveways to public safety complex, golf course, and Woodward explained

BOS raising ambulance fees: SFD expects little/no impact on most “users”; patients with hardships encouraged to apply for abatements

Last week, Fire Chief Steven Achilles asked selectmen to approve increased transport fees for ambulances. Convinced by the chief’s presentation and responses to several questions, the board unanimously agreed. Read the full article → from BOS raising ambulance fees: SFD expects little/no impact on most “users”; patients with hardships encouraged to apply for abatements

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