Pending a successful contract negotiations and full background check — Southborough’s next Fire Chief will be Andrew Puntini of Ashland. Read the full article → from Foxborough Captain selected to be Southborough’s new Fire Chief
Pending a successful contract negotiations and full background check — Southborough’s next Fire Chief will be Andrew Puntini of Ashland. Read the full article → from Foxborough Captain selected to be Southborough’s new Fire Chief
The section of Route 30 is still closed this morning and more details were made available on yesterday’s fatal car crash at 103 Main Street. (I accidentally reversed two digits last night.) Read the full article → from Fatal accident on Main Street (Updated)
Last night, the Select Board interviewed three candidates for Southborough’s Fire Chief. Read the full article → from Fire Chief candidate interviews video is posted
This agenda initially flew under my radar. Tonight, the Select Board is scheduled to interview three candidates for Southborough’s Fire Chief. Read the full article → from Fire Chief candidate interviews tonight (Updated)
Through a plea agreement accepted by the court last week, Parry is now only being charged with a misdemeanor, and the case Continued without a Finding for 6 months (with some restrictions). Read the full article → from Charges against Parry reduced and continued for potential dismissal
On Saturday, Town Meeting voters shot down one resident’s pitch to shave 1% off the overall budget. Soon after, they agreed with another resident’s push to improve public safety by increasing the budget to hire two more dispatchers. Read the full article → from Annual Town Meeting votes No on budget decrease, Yes on specific increase
Yesterday, a small percentage of Southborough voters agreed to fund improving public safety, pursuing a Library expansion project, investing in Town recreational assets, stabilizing special education budget impacts, preserving the Town’s history and seed money for Tricentennial celebrations. They also enabled pursuit of a solar project at Trottier and agreed to clean up zoning language.
They even weighed in on the Patriot’s decision to fire Bill Belichick! Read the full article → from Annual Town Meeting recap
The Southborough Police issued a warning and update about bizarre incidents in town involving two “young males” allegedly posing as solicitors, offering massages at what sounds like aggressive door-to-door interactions. Read the full article → from SPD asks residents to report unregistered solicitors offering massages
One of the more controversial items at last year’s Town Meeting is back on the Warrant again this year in a different form.
Citizen’s Petitions are asking voters to increase the Town’s recommended budget to bolster the public safety dispatcher staff. Read the full article → from Dispatcher Staffing & Budget up for debate at Town Meeting on Saturday
The Advisory Committee has issued it’s report to Annual Town Meeting, along with detailed information on this year’s budgets. It includes an explanation for their budget recommendations, plus the reasons behind some key Articles they voted to support or not support.
The report also comes with some financial forecasts and warnings. The most notable is a forecast that the Town seems to be headed towards needing a Proposition 2 ½ Override within a few years. Read the full article → from Advisory’s report for Town Meeting and the FY25 Budget
Southborough Police are investigating a house break-in that took place on Barn Lane while residents were away over the weekend. The SPD is also increasing patrols in town. Read the full article → from Police seeking info on Barn Lane Burglary
Tonight, Thursday, March 14th, the Southborough Police Department is hosting a public safety event for families with babies and young children — or anyone else who drives with them (or will be soon). Read the full article → from Reminder: Car seat check event tonight
Southborough Police have alerted that an accident at Route 9 East and Woodland Road is causing traffic backups. They further warn of ice patches throughout town including on Route 9 and Central Street.
In a post yesterday, the SPD also issued a public request for any information related to a home burglary that appears to have taken place on Saturday between 4:00 – 8:00 pm on Wyndemere Road through a 2nd story window. Read the full article → from Police: Traffic, Icy Roads, and seeking info on Wyndemere Burglary
Next week, the Southborough Police Department will host a public safety event for families with babies and young children — or anyone else who drives with them (or will be soon). Read the full article → from Car seat check event – March 14th