The annual winter parking ban went into effect at the beginning of the month. Read the full article → from Winter parking ban is in effect
The annual winter parking ban went into effect at the beginning of the month. Read the full article → from Winter parking ban is in effect
Southborough Police have issued a release confirming the robbery at Middlesex Savings Bank this afternoon. It includes surveillance pictures, a description of the suspect, and a request for assistance. Read the full article → from Police Alert: Looking for Middlesex Savings Bank robber
Local media has posted news of an unconfirmed robbery at Middlesex Savings Bank this afternoon. Read the full article → from SWL: Possible Bank Robbery at Middlesex Savings
On Wednesday night of last week, the garage of a Southborough home caught fire. Fortunately, the family is safe, and the fire was contained to the garage and doused. Read the full article → from Thanksgiving-Eve fire in Southborough
Southborough homeowners who hosted a Halloween party with 40-100 “juveniles” have been charged for procuring their liquor. Read the full article → from Couple faces charges for providing alcohol to underage partiers (Updated)
Southborough Police and a targeted family are alerting the public about a blackmail scam. Read the full article → from Police alert: Bitcoin Blackmail scam
Southborough Police announced the arrest of a suspect in burglaries on Flagg and General Henry Knox roads. According to the statement, the SPD was key to his arrest for these crimes and others. Read the full article → from Leominster man charged for Southborough burglaries – again
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs: Car reported vandalized in MBTA lot
Flags in Southborough and across the state will be flying at half staff on Sunday, October 8, 2017 from sunrise until sunset in honor of the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service. Read the full article → from Why flags will be at half staff: Sunday, October 8, 2017
Southborough residents are being warned to rid their yards of items that could attract bears. That includes birdfeeders and trash. The warning follows sightings of a Black Bear in the southeastern part of Town. Read the full article → from More Black Bear sightings in Southborough: Police issue warning
Southborough Police intend to press new charges against a Westborough man already charged with assault and battery on Southborough Police officers. Those original charges are on top of driving to endanger and a DUI for driving with an intoxication level purportedly more than twice the legal limit. Read the full article → from Southborough Police allege: drunk driver injured another driver, assaulted and defecated on officers, and destroyed property
On Tuesday night, WBZ reported that Lt. Aspesi and his team of FEMA volunteers returned home. Read the full article → from FEMA volunteers safe return from Puerto Rico
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs: B&E on Breakneck Hill Road
Normally when I write about Neal Aspesi, it means the Director of Southborough Emergency Management has issued a warning related to weather forecasts in our town. This time the news about him and his efforts to help a community far from our Southborough’s borders. Read the full article → from Southborough Emergency Management director responds to storm relief in Puerto Rico