For the second time in two months, Southborough Police are alerting the public about credit card skimmers discovered in town. Read the full article → from Police Alert: Card skimmer discovered at Cumberland Farm’s ATM
For the second time in two months, Southborough Police are alerting the public about credit card skimmers discovered in town. Read the full article → from Police Alert: Card skimmer discovered at Cumberland Farm’s ATM
Southborough Police posted an alert on Facebook yesterday afternoon. They are looking for help tracking down a stolen mower. Read the full article → from Police seeking riding mower with plow stolen earlier this month
The arrest was in Northborough. And none of the “johns” arrested live in Southborough. But Police Chief Kenneth Paulhus confirmed for me that Southborough’s officer on the Worcester County Drug Task Force assisted. Read the full article → from Southborough police part of prostitution sting
It turns out there was no need for confidential informants in the case of the midnight Booms. And happily, Parkerville area residents are able to sleep through the night at last. Read the full article → from Boom mystery solved and resolved
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs (January 4 – 7, 2017): More booms in the night
Here are the ten stories that generated the most interest and discussion on the blog in 2016. Read the full article → from 2016 in review: story countdown
Police are asking the public to help them solve a mystery that has been plaguing presumably sleep deprived residents. Read the full article → from Police seeking help locating things that go BOOM in the night (near northside of Parkerville)
Following up on Monday night’s car accident on Route 30. Read the full article → from Car flipped on Boston Road Monday evening
Last night, selectmen promoted Detective Sean P. McCarthy, a Southborough resident, to the position of Sergeant. Read the full article → from Southborough’s own Detective makes Sargeant
A glimpse of what the SFD has been up to over the past month Read the full article → from Fire Department: Tractor trailer crash on Saturday and other updates
Southborough Police asked me to notify readers who may have been victims of a credit card skimming device discovered at the Mobile Station on Route 9 at Oak Hill Road. Read the full article → from Police Alert: Credit card skimmer discovered at Southborough gas station; other incidents in region
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs: Take-out delivery without food, speeding motorcycles, dog (owner) fight, and vehicle fire
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs (11/8 – 11/14/16): Tresspassers, vehicle vs deer, and another OUI
Last week, the man who embezzled more than $380,000 from Northborough-Southborough public schools was convicted of the crime. Read the full article → from School budget officer sentenced to 2 years prison