The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs (6/17-6/19/16): Trailer fire on Fisher Rd
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs (6/17-6/19/16): Trailer fire on Fisher Rd
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs: Car vandalized and a Hit & Run
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs: Missing juvenile located, political sign stolen, snapping turtle reported, and a hit & run
The Southborough Police Department is looking to recruit a new officer. It’s one of the recent actions taken to address manpower issues in the SPD. Read the full article → from Southborough Police hiring new officer (apply by June 17th) and promoting additional sergeant
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs: 5/11-5/15 (updated)
A reader alerted me that she was approached by apparent scammers. It’s a good time to repost the following warning police shared two years ago. Read the full article → from Reminder: Common scams and distraction thefts
Buckle up, Southborough. The Southborough Police Department is joining officers across the state to focus on enforcing use of seat belts. Read the full article → from Click it or Ticket – May 9 – May 23rd
A Southborough police officer is home recovering from a crash. Read the full article → from Police cruiser hit; 3rd officer rear ended by drunk driver in 8 months
Northborough police tracked down a man accused of making sexual comments to two girls near Algonquin. The NPD brought in a K-9 to help with their search, which ended in arrest. Read the full article → from Man arrested for verbally accosting girls on trail behind Algonquin (Updated)
Last night, the Board of Selectmen reassured volunteers that they are still prioritizing a Public Safety Building project. Chair John Rooney told the study committee they hope to complete negotiations with St. Mark’s School for land acquisition within 2-3 weeks. The Town will be seeking to put something on the Presidential election ballot.
As part of the effort, Rooney agreed that it makes sense to vet out opponents on Town Committees when reappointments are made this June. Read the full article → from Public Safety building update: BOS aiming for Presidential ballot; may vet out reappointment of opponents (Updated)
The SPD is asking for anyone who witnessed or has information related to the crash to contact the Detective Division. The SPD has also released its latest logs, covering Thursday through Sunday. Read the full article → from Police looking for help investigating Rte 9 crash (and the latest Police Logs)
There is more fallout (and details) from a drunk driver slamming into a Southborough police cruiser last August. Southborough Wicked Local reports that the restaurant, Samba, in Framingham was just issued a 3-5 day liquor license suspension for over serving the driver and passenger. Read the full article → from Samba license suspended for involvement in drunk driver crashing into SPD cruiser
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs (April 8- 10, 2016): Three arrests, plus charges filed for assault with a dangerous weapon (Updated)
Southborough Police announced through Facebook that they’ll be holding a Bucket Drive tomorrow. Read the full article → from Bucket Drive at Main Street intersection tomorrow morn & afternoon