Two of yesterday’s emergency responses had links to our town. Read the full article → from Yesterday’s bus incidents: SFD helps put out fire, Ted’s Towing helps with a rescue
Two of yesterday’s emergency responses had links to our town. Read the full article → from Yesterday’s bus incidents: SFD helps put out fire, Ted’s Towing helps with a rescue
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs (2/21 – 2/26/16): Of dogs and men
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs (February 15 – 20): Burglary, attempted break-in, and a larceny
Southborough Wicked Local’s coverage told an interesting story about yesterday’s unfortunate fire. Read the full article → from More on yesterday’s fire
Southborough Firefighters put out a three alarm fire at 63 Carriage Hill Circle this afternoon. Read the full article → from 3 Alarm Fire at Carriage Hill Circle extinguished
It’s been too long since I’ve shared news from the Southborough Fire Department. Read the full article → from Fire Dept updates: Swan rescues, training, and more
Southborough moved up three notches in the safest cities list for Massachusetts. (Despite the fact we aren’t technically a city.) Read the full article → from Southborough moves up to 12th “safest city” in the state
Some updates on warnings and storm impacts. Read the full article → from Police warnings: Stay off roads; Framingham Road closed; power outages
Residents in the neighborhood of Parmenter and Pine Hill roads have been telling the town their roads and intersection are dangerous. Now, they have a doozy of an example. Read the full article → from SWL: Crash driver tracked down in the woods
At a public forum, Southborough Police Chief Kenneth Paulhus was among the experts who addressed the effects of drugs on youth and crime. The focus of the evening was the danger that could be found in your own medicine cabinet.
Paulhus explained the effect of increased drug abuse on our community. Read the full article → from Opioid Use and Abuse forum: Video and highlights (Updated)
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs: Robbery at Falconi’s, suspicous footprints, and gun fire
A family of four, including a 1-year-old suffered minor injuries after their car was struck head-on. Read the full article → from SWL: Unlicensed Southborough teen arrested for car crash
Southborough Police are trying to prevent a repeat of the frauds perpetuated against residents last year. Read the full article → from Police warning: File tax returns ASAP
The Worcester County DA’s office and our state legislators are sponsoring a community forum on the opioid use crisis. Read the full article → from Public forum on opioid crisis – Jan 25