The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs: Sperry’s smash-in under investigation; dog-on-dog attack; agressive soliciters
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs: Sperry’s smash-in under investigation; dog-on-dog attack; agressive soliciters
Here is the latest round of videos from local media. Read the full article → from Videos: Jr. Police Academy, Metrowest Transit, and Baypath Elder Services
The Southborough Fire Department posted some news to Facebook worth sharing. Read the full article → from Fire Dept updates: Crashes, training, and outreach
The Southborough Police Department is investigating a hate crime at St. Anne’s Church. Read the full article → from Graffiti at St Anne’s being treated as Hate Crime
I just got last minute news that there are now six more openings for 12-15 yr old campers that register by this Sunday. Read the full article → from Handful of openings for next week’s Junior Police Academy – register by Sunday!
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs (7/15-7/22/15): Eight arrests and twice as many accidents (Updated)
The Southborough Fire Station’s air horns are used to notify the public in the case of an imminent emergency. But if you hear them going off Wednesday and Thursday of next week, don’t fret. Read the full article → from Town testing emergency horns on July 29/30
According to Southborough Wicked Local, Southborough Police worked with neighboring squads to identify local credit card thieves. Read the full article → from SWL: Southborough police help nab thieves
Lightening detectection units were donated to St. Mark’s and Stony Brook golf courses this summer. Read the full article → from Lightning alerts for Southborough golfers (thanks to town volunteers)
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs (7/7-7/13/15): Five arrests
A warning about sharing the road with bikes reminds me to share again alternatives for cyclists seeking a great ride. Read the full article → from For drivers and bicyclists: Share the road reminder and area bike trails
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs (7/1-7/5/15): Road Rage and flipped car
The Southborough Police Department allows vacationing residents to request periodic checks on their homes. They also ask the community to report suspicious activity. Read the full article → from Guarding our homes this summer
The SFD was one of three departments working to extinguish the fire on 495 yesterday morning. But that’s not all they’ve been up to. Read the full article → from Car hauler fire on 495 and other Fire Dept. updates