The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs: Abandoned firearm, gunshots heard, and attempted break-in
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs: Abandoned firearm, gunshots heard, and attempted break-in
If you are traveling (for the holidays or any time of year), you can submit a house check request. SPD patrols will give your residence extra attention during your absence. I was wondering if the department had any other safety tips this season. In fact, they do. Read the full article → from Holiday safety assistance and tips from the SPD: House checks on request
Today, 14 employees of New England Compounding Center were arrested. The charges, including racketeering, stem from a 2012 meningitus outbreak that infected 750 patients and is blamed for the death of 64 people. Read the full article → from Southborough man arrested for alleged role in 2012 meningitis outbreak
Rounding up some interesting news stories from Southborough Wicked Local this week. Read the full article → from News roundup: Truck crash details, Harvard Primate shutdown begins, Burnett House Update, and AMSA’s search for new director
Downtown was the cite of a crash and major diesel spill late last night. A tractor trailer ran off the road and into a tree. Read the full article → from Major diesel spill on Main Street last night
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs: OUIs, prostitution, and nasty surprise in the mail
Southborough Police are putting residents on alert to “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over”. Read the full article → from Police crackdown on impaired driving
his week, selectmen voted to form a “Public Safety Study Committee”. The overall goal is to help the Town move forward on a Public Safety Building project. Read the full article → from Town seeks volunteers for public safety building committee
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs (11/5-11/10/14): Back door kicked in on Boston Road
The latest logs from Southborough Police Department and other news from their Facebook page. Read the full article → from Police logs (10/30-11/2/14): Vandalism under investigation, training, and Movember fundraiser
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs (10/23-27/14): Mail theft and crossbow hunting from a truck
Saturday morning, Long Cadillac is hosting “a straightforward discussion of how to keep safe behind the wheel.” It is focused on teens and their parents/guardians. Read the full article → from Drag your teens to Dangers of Distracted Driving seminar this Saturday (and then stay to listen)
In place of the fire log (temporarily unavailable), news from the Southborough Fire Department’s Facebook page. Read the full article → from What the Fire Department’s been up to: House blaze assist, education, and alarm at Woodward
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs (10/17-10/20/14): Car chase and resisting arrest