The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs (10/10-10/14/14): The color is back – hear about an egged house and punched male
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs (10/10-10/14/14): The color is back – hear about an egged house and punched male
Southborough Police are putting aggressive drivers on notice. They’ll be looking for you this month. Read the full article → from SPD using grant to target aggressive drivers
In place of the fire log (temporarily unavailable), news from the Southborough Fire Department’s Facebook page. Read the full article → from What the Fire Department’s been up to: Car crash, filling the boot and more
Southborough Police Department’s latest logs. And news that the logs filter out any domestic violence calls per a recent state law. Read the full article → from Police: Latest logs; response to domestic violence story
Southborough Wicked Local reports that a homeless man has been charged with several thefts in town. Read the full article → from SWL: Confession in Southborough thefts
Southborough Emergency Management is now sharing a fact sheet on Enterovirus “D-68” from the Massachusetts Department of Health. Read the full article → from Emergency Management shares D-68 Entrovirus update and fact sheet
Southborough Police announced that they are now equipped and trained to use Narcan to save victims of opioid overdose. Read the full article → from Police: First responders now equipped with Narcan
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs (9/25-9/28/14)
At Tuesday’s Board of Selectmen meeting, members followed up on two discussions with the town’s emergency chiefs. They gave both chiefs the greenlight to continue exploring property at the Transfer Station for a new public safety building. And they approved Police Chief Kenneth Paulhus’ request to arm his force with tasers. Read the full article → from Police & Fire news: Town to study new site for Public Safety Building and equip officers with Tasers
In place of the fire log (temporarily unavailable), news from the Southborough Fire Department’s Facebook page. Read the full article → from What the Fire Department’s been up to: Member honored, tragedy remembered, and emergency response
Southborough Police posted a warning on on their Facebook page. Read the full article → from Southborough Police warning: It’s not us calling; it’s a spoof
New business resource program seeks to improve police services to the commercial division of the community Read the full article → from SPD initiates new business resource program; seeks business community feedback
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs (9/12-9/14/14): More vehicle break-ins and a home vandalized
A reported rash of burglaries from unlocked cars prompted Southborough Police to issue a warning. Read the full article → from Police Warning: Recent thefts from vehicles