The Board of Selectmen met on Thursday to set goals for 2014. Read the full article → from MWDN: BOS’ 2014 priorities include study on new police and fire building
The Board of Selectmen met on Thursday to set goals for 2014. Read the full article → from MWDN: BOS’ 2014 priorities include study on new police and fire building
The latest logs from the Southborough Fire Department. Read the full article → from Southborough fire logs (12/17/13 – 12/30/13): Accidents, extrications, and over 20 EMS calls
Southborough Schools and Algonquin Regional High School are cancelled this week. Read the full article → from Updated: Snow day lengthens holiday break
Southborough Police issued a safety reminder to residents on their Facebook page this week. Read the full article → from SPD warning: Credit card safety reminder
The latest logs from the Southborough Fire Department. Read the full article → from Southborough fire logs (12/10/13-12/16/13)
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs (12/13/13-12/5/13): accidents, disabled vehicles, and cars illegally parked
The Metrowest Daily News is reporting that the police chief recruitment consultant quit after search committee voted to allow candidate to be included in assessment testing. Read the full article → from MWDN: Lt. James back in running for Police Chief, recruitment consultant quits
The latest logs from the Southborough Fire Department. Read the full article → from Southborough fire logs (12/3/13-12/9/13)
From 11:00 am – 5:00 pm, drivers are encouraged to seek alternate routes to using Newton Street. The street will be open to through traffic. Drivers are just asked to use caution. Read the full article → from Emergency drill on Newton St. today, December 11
A complaint that one caller used deceptive tactics has put a halt to the firefighters’ fundraiser. Read the full article → from MWDN: Firefighter fundraising calls terminated after fraud complaint
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs (12/6/13-12/9/13): Drag racing and a hit and run
The annual winter parking ban went into effect at the beginning of the month. Read the full article → from Winter parking ban is in effect
The Southborough Permanent Firefighters IAFF Local 3129 is currently raising funds. Read the full article → from Firefighter Association fundraiser in swing
The latest log from Southborough Police Department. Read the full article → from Police logs (11/28/13-12/1/13): Child endangerment and icy roads