Rooney: National Grid understaffed for storm response; Halloween will not be canceled

In a statement released just a short time ago, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen John Rooney said National Grid is still assessing damage for many of those who remain without power tonight. While Rooney commended National Grid for improvements made after storms a year ago, he said the utility appears to be suffering from “an utter lack of manpower” in its response to Hurricane Sandy. Read the full article → from Rooney: National Grid understaffed for storm response; Halloween will not be canceled

Globe: Sex offender case rekindles debate on bans

When Southborough police acknowledged they made a mistake in allowing a registered Level 2 sex offender to live in close proximity to a preschool despite a town bylaw prohibiting it, it made news beyond the borders of our town. Today the Boston Globe takes a look a the case and the larger debate about whether residency restrictions are constitutional and whether they even work. Read the full article → from Globe: Sex offender case rekindles debate on bans

MWDN: Man wanted in Southborough copper theft charged

When Southborough police interrupted an alleged copper theft in progress at NStar early last month, one suspect was arrested at gunpoint but another was able to run away. The Metrowest Daily News reports this week the suspect who got away was arrested and arraigned recently in Westborough District Court. Read the full article → from MWDN: Man wanted in Southborough copper theft charged

WHDH and Fox report from Southborough on sex offender case

Those of you who went to Heritage Day yesterday might have noticed a few television crews roaming about, but they weren’t there to cover the fun of our annual fall celebration. Rather, they were there to report on Daniel Goichman, the Level 2 sex offender who was allowed to live for more than two years in an apartment just a few doors down from a long-established preschool. Read the full article → from WHDH and Fox report from Southborough on sex offender case

Police procedures revised after sex offender incident

Earlier this week, the Southborough Police Department acknowledged mistakes were made in allowing a registered Level 2 sex offender to take up residence just a few doors down from a preschool, despite a town bylaw prohibiting it. In an effort to prevent future violations of the bylaw, the police have reviewed and updated their procedures related to registered sex offenders. Read the full article → from Police procedures revised after sex offender incident

Police chief says allowing registered sex offender to live near preschool was a “terrible mistake”

The Metrowest Daily News had a chance to talk with Police Chief Jane Moran this week about why a registered Level 2 sex offender was allowed to live near a preschool for more than two years despite a town bylaw prohibiting it. Read the full article → from Police chief says allowing registered sex offender to live near preschool was a “terrible mistake”

Selectman: Mistakes were made in case of registered sex offender

When the Southborough Police Department announced the arrest of a registered sex offender on child pornography charges earlier this week, it came to light that the suspect lived on East Main Street in close proximity to one of the town’s preschools. Many of you have asked how that could happen when the town enacted a bylaw in 2008 to prohibit sex offenders from living within 1,000 feet of schools, day cares, and other facilities. Read the full article → from Selectman: Mistakes were made in case of registered sex offender

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