Two youth basketball teams reached out to me with their stories, posted below. Now I’m asking you to share yours. Read the full article → from Sharing: Youth basketball champs share their stories – now it’s your turn.
Two youth basketball teams reached out to me with their stories, posted below. Now I’m asking you to share yours. Read the full article → from Sharing: Youth basketball champs share their stories – now it’s your turn.
Southborough Boy Scouts shared news on an annual tradition celebrated last Sunday. Read the full article → from Scout reverence
An Algonquin foreign exchange student is in urgent need of a temporary and/or permanent host. Read the full article → from Spanish foreign exchange student in urgent need of host for remainder of year
Here are some stories about residents recemtly honored through their achievements: Read the full article → from Roundup of residents in the news: Award winning nurse, aid to the homeless, fiddling with a band, and a business that’s cleaning up
Friends of Families in Transition are asking for help with their collection drive and meal preparation. Read the full article → from “Families in Transition” seeking help through food drive and volunteers
Southborough resident Hyun Shin is one of 17 students who earned the honor to perform with the New England Conservatory Youth Jazz Orchestra this week. Read the full article → from Southborough 10th grader to perform with New England Conservatory Youth Jazz Orchestra
This Saturday, November 23, a blood drive will be held in town for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. The bloodmobile will be in the Town Hall/Pilgrim Church parking lot from 8:00 am – 2:00 pm. Read the full article → from CA: Blood drive to be held in honor and support of resident Stephen Coldwell – November 23
Here are some stories about residents making recent headlines. Read the full article → from Roundup of residents in the news: football militia, a crafty quilter, the victim of World Series mob, and a warrior against cancer
Last May, Southborough resident and former Southborough firefighter PJ Phaneuf was injured in an ATV accident. Colleagues are raising funds to help him with medical and recovery expenses. Read the full article → from Fundraising for injured resident and firefighter
Here are some stories about residents making headlines. Read the full article → from Roundup of residents in the news: Charity work, a musical talent, and an app launch
The new fence at the Southborough Senior Center was installed through Thomas Cimino’s Eagle Scout Leadership project. Read the full article → from The Senior Center has a new fence thanks to a Troop 92 Eagle Scout project
Enjoy these pictures submitted by proud Southborough parents. Read the full article → from Photo gallery: Back to school
Here are some stories of residents in the news recently that you may have missed. Read the full article → from Roundup of residents in the news: a hometown sports star, teen leaders, and our infamously dull men
Southborough resident Alan Belniak works in digital marketing. With a story idea stuck in his head, it was only natural for him to choose to publish it as a digital book. Read the full article → from Southborough resident “publishes” a cheesy children’s story