Here are some stories about residents recemtly honored through their achievements: Read the full article → from Roundup of Southborough winners for academics, volunteerism and sports
Here are some stories about residents recemtly honored through their achievements: Read the full article → from Roundup of Southborough winners for academics, volunteerism and sports
Southborough Selectmen designated June 18, 2013 as Sally B. Watters Day of Honor. Read the full article → from Selectmen honor SOLF president Sally Watters with Day of Honor
On Saturday, Southborough Youth Baseball presented its 2nd annual Eric Green Sportsmanship award to Neil Mauskar. The presentation followed the Little League Majors Division Championship played that afternoon. Read the full article → from Well Played: Southborough Youth Baseball honors sportsmanship at division championship
Those of you who attended the celebration of life for Eric Green last weekend know just how touching it was – a morning of speeches, remembrances, music, laughter, and of course, tears. Read the full article → from MWDN: Southborough’s Trottier Middle School celebrates life of beloved student (UPDATED)
The Metrowest Daily News reports nearly three years after a jury awarded millions in their fraud case, the Culleys at 22A Lovers Lane still haven’t received any money or satisfaction. Now they are bringing the case back to court. Read the full article → from Lovers Lane homeowners continue fight over fraud and construction issues
Members of the Trottier community have been working with the family of Eric Green to plan a celebration of his life to take place on Saturday, June 8 ,at Trottier. Eric passed away suddenly in January 2012 at the age of 12. A seventh grader at Trottier at the time, Eric would have graduated from the school this month. Read the full article → from Reminder: Celebration of life for Eric Green – Saturday, June 8
If you missed local novelist Steve Ulfelder at Tatnuck last month, you can catch him Wednesday night at the Southborough Library. He will be talking about his third Conway Sax mystery, Shotgun Lullaby. Read the full article → from Steve Ulfelder will talk about Conway Sax’s latest mystery at the library Wednesday
Longtime resident Alice Foley died at the age of 87 earlier this month. I didn’t know Mrs. Foley personally, but her name will be familiar to anyone who has read the list of names etched into the stone of the All Wars Memorial on Southborough’s Town Common. Mrs. Foley was the mother of Robert R. Foley, Jr., the only Southborough resident killed during the Vietnam War. Read the full article → from Remembering Robert R. Foley, Jr.
Steven Travis Poole, a 38 year old Southborough native with three sons, is in need of a kidney donor. The Poole family has lived in Southborough since 1975. Steven’s parents are Beverly and Roger Poole. Read the full article → from Southborough family is looking for a kidney donor
A 5K obstacle course through sloppy mud, over walls and beams, through trees and trails and trenches full of water and more mud. Sound like a good time? Southborough residents Ray Thompson and Dan O’Rourke, organizers of the first-ever Wicked Mud Run, promise it will be. Read the full article → from Southborough residents organize a ‘wicked’ mud run
Southborough resident and storm chaser Rich Hamel was in Oklahoma when the devastating tornado hit the Oklahoma City suburb of Moore earlier this week. Hamel shared his account with Boston.com. Read the full article → from Southborough storm chaser witnesses devastation in Oklahoma
Flags in Southborough are flying at half staff today in honor of WWII veteran and longtime Southborough resident Charles Hamel who passed away last week at the age of 93. Read the full article → from Flags lowered today in honor of longtime Southborough resident and WWII veteran
Each year the Southborough Open Land Foundation awards the Elaine Beals Conservation Award to a deserving Southborough resident. This year the honor went to Rhonda Russian, who retired from the Conservation Commission last year after 22 years of service. Read the full article → from Longtime Conservation Commission member recognized
Tomorrow is a big day for Conway Sax fans. The third installment of Southborough author Steve Ulfelder’s mystery series featuring Sax, a Metrowest-based auto mechanic turned reluctant detective, will be released on Tuesday. I for one, can’t wait to discover what trouble Sax finds himself in this time. Read the full article → from Southborough author celebrates release of third novel with book signing event at Tatnuck – Tuesday, May 14