Two news items out of the schools seem timely given recent comment debates about school budgets and what student families are forced to fund. Read the full article → from K-12 School budget news: Hopefully free tuition and Price of Being (and educating) a T-Hawk
Southborough School News
Stories related to Southborough Public Schools, Algonquin Regional High School, and Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School.
School Start Time Study Group composition approved – big and ambitious (Updated)
This week the Combined School Committees finalized the structure of the new Start Time Study Group. The group will recommend potential fixes to concerns about the high school’s 7:20 am start time. Read the full article → from School Start Time Study Group composition approved – big and ambitious (Updated)
Superintendent search: Community needs assessment to be followed by (likely internal) search
Last night, Southborough School Committee’s Chair confirmed that the district has a “strong internal candidate” for the Superintendent position – Assistant Superintendent Gregory Martineau. Read the full article → from Superintendent search: Community needs assessment to be followed by (likely internal) search
This week in sports: Golf wins League title (and other bragging rights)
Algonquin athletics has more news to boast about. Read the full article → from This week in sports: Golf wins League title (and other bragging rights)
Next week in Government: Superintendent Search & Start Time Study Group (and Fire Chief Screening)
A special Monday night meeting deserves an advance heads up. Read the full article → from Next week in Government: Superintendent Search & Start Time Study Group (and Fire Chief Screening)
Videos: Composting, Scholars, Financial Aid, and Heritage Day
Here is the latest round of videos from local media. Read the full article → from Videos: Composting, Scholars, Financial Aid, and Heritage Day
Algonquin requiring students to “Bring Your Own Device” starting November
Starting November 5th, each student will be required to bring his/her own electronic non-phone “Device”. Read the full article → from Algonquin requiring students to “Bring Your Own Device” starting November
This week in sports: A (mostly) winning season
Here’s what’s on tap this week in high school sports. Read the full article → from This week in sports: A (mostly) winning season
Videos: Events and programming from this summer and fall
Here is the latest round of videos from Southborough Access Media. Read the full article → from Videos: Events and programming from this summer and fall
NEF’s grants to ARHS: Civil Discourse, Winds of Change, Unleveled History, and Growing the Center
Last month, the Northborough Education Foundation gave out grants for 20 programs in Northborough’s K-12 schools. Since, five of those grants are specific to Algonquin Regional High School, I’m sharing those details. Read the full article → from NEF’s grants to ARHS: Civil Discourse, Winds of Change, Unleveled History, and Growing the Center
District forming new Start Time “task force”
The Combined School Committees is forming a community task force to look into options for changing high school start times. Prompted by a citizen petition and supported by the Superintendent, the committee voted to approve a special working group. Read the full article → from District forming new Start Time “task force”
Pre-K to Grade 3 Safe School Readiness talk – Friday morning
Following up on a forum they held last year, Principals Clayton Ryan and Steve Mucci will talk about “Safe School Readiness” in their schools. Read the full article → from Pre-K to Grade 3 Safe School Readiness talk – Friday morning
This week in sports
Here’s what’s on tap this week in high school sports. Read the full article → from This week in sports
Fay employee being held until dangerousness hearing; claims he was joking
The former lead custodian of Fay School appeared in Westborough District Court yesterday. Read the full article → from Fay employee being held until dangerousness hearing; claims he was joking