NSBORO Wellness Days Unanimously Revised for ’24-25 (Updated)

Next year's school calendar will include three half day Wellness days, spread out over the year.

Northborough-Southborough Public Schools’ Wellness Days won’t look the same next year. Starting in the fall, they will be fewer, more evenly spread out, and held as half-days for students. Read the full article → from NSBORO Wellness Days Unanimously Revised for ’24-25 (Updated)

Annual Town Meeting recap

Investments in Emergency Communications, a potential Library expansion, the golf course, accessible trails, and more.

Yesterday, a small percentage of Southborough voters agreed to fund improving public safety, pursuing a Library expansion project, investing in Town recreational assets, stabilizing special education budget impacts, preserving the Town’s history and seed money for Tricentennial celebrations. They also enabled pursuit of a solar project at Trottier and agreed to clean up zoning language.

They even weighed in on the Patriot’s decision to fire Bill Belichick! Read the full article → from Annual Town Meeting recap

School Articles at Annual Town Meeting (Updated)

Solar project at Trottier Middle School, and Stabilization Funds for Southborough SpEd costs and Regional high schools' capital needs

Public schools that serve Southborough will have four special Articles on the Warrant at Annual Town Meeting (in addition to the usual budgets and administrative Articles). Town officials support two, are split on one, and oppose another. Read the full article → from School Articles at Annual Town Meeting (Updated)

Weigh in on grade split for Southborough elementary schools

The survey by the Neary Building Committee will close this Sunday. And Save The Date for an open forum on April 11th.

As the Neary Building Committee continues its work studying a potential school building project, they are looking for more community feedback. Read the full article → from Weigh in on grade split for Southborough elementary schools

Post-Season Update: ARHS Girls Hockey in Final Four, Track at Nationals

As the winter sports season comes to a close, Girls Hockey and Girls and Boys Indoor Track continue to impress as they are representing Algonquin in their respective competitions.

Members of the Track teams are competing in Nationals, while Girls Hockey heads into the “Final Four” this weekend. Read the full article → from Post-Season Update: ARHS Girls Hockey in Final Four, Track at Nationals

Neary Building Committee Update

The committee will be holding "visioning sessions" and public forums

Last week, I wrote about the recommendation to the Select Board for a future Community Center that is contingent on the outcome of work being done by the Neary Building Committee. Yesterday, an update was issued on that committee’s work. Read the full article → from Neary Building Committee Update

Community Center committee recommends using Finn School (if available)

The group representing a variety of interest groups agreed on the best path for future town facilities, with a big caveat.

The Select Board was presented this week with concepts for how Finn School could be converted to a Community Center in the future, with some storage and offices for municipal departments. Read the full article → from Community Center committee recommends using Finn School (if available)

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