Trottier 8th graders enjoyed a “Starry Night” banquet and dance to mark the end of their Southborough K-8 journey thanks to the SOS and the sponsors they are publicly thanking Read the full article → from Trottier SOS thanks 8th Grade Banquet sponsors & volunteers
Southborough School News
Stories related to Southborough Public Schools, Algonquin Regional High School, and Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School.
School Committee ordered audit of Neary investigation; Superintendent given “Exemplary” rating and salary bump
Last week, the School Committee agreed to have an audit conducted of the investigation into the actions of a Neary teacher and Principal.
The committee did not agree to put the NSBORO Superintendent on suspension. And the following night, the combined school committees discussed their evaluation of his “exemplary” performance and approved his contract for the coming school year with a 3% pay increase. Read the full article → from School Committee ordered audit of Neary investigation; Superintendent given “Exemplary” rating and salary bump
Neary Building seeking community input on potentially over $80-$120M project at forum on Tuesday (Updated)
News on the project status, estimated costs, an upcoming forum, and how to stay informed and ask questions.
I’m sharing an update on the big school building project status, including estimated costs, a zoom forum next week, and other ways to stay informed and ask questions. Read the full article → from Neary Building seeking community input on potentially over $80-$120M project at forum on Tuesday (Updated)
School Committee and parents address issues raised with Neary investigation (updated)
The video has been posted from last night’s School Committee meeting. I’m sharing bookmarks to the sections parents and readers may be most interested in watching. Read the full article → from School Committee and parents address issues raised with Neary investigation (updated)
Letter: Concerned Community Member
My Southborough accepts signed letters to the editor submitted by Southborough residents. Letters may be emailed to Read the full article → from Letter: Concerned Community Member
BSA Service News & Eagle Honors
This spring, two BSA troops held ceremonies to honor the latest round of Southborough Eagle Scouts. And another Southborough troop completed a community service project and shared news on a big Eagle Scout project. I’m rounding all of that up to share with readers. Read the full article → from BSA Service News & Eagle Honors
Letter: Parent of Neary student shares her family’s story and calls for release of report
My Southborough accepts signed letters to the editor submitted by Southborough residents. Letters may be emailed to Read the full article → from Letter: Parent of Neary student shares her family’s story and calls for release of report
Neary controversy update: Parents expected to present petition and make demands at this week’s School Committee meetings
A petition is circulating online to “Demand Transparency, Accountability & Equity in NSBORO Schools”. It includes calling for the dismissal of the Neary School’s Principal and suspension of the NSBORO Superintendent “while an independent investigation is undertaken.” Read the full article → from Neary controversy update: Parents expected to present petition and make demands at this week’s School Committee meetings
ARHS Sports Postseason Wrap-up
Three Algonquin teams falling out of the state playoffs since my last sports post, putting an official end to ARHS Titans’ spring sports. Read the full article → from ARHS Sports Postseason Wrap-up
Finn goes Gaga for playing ball thanks to student’s initiative
Thanks to a first grader’s convincing arguments, kids can now enjoy playing Gaga Ball at Finn. Read the full article → from Finn goes Gaga for playing ball thanks to student’s initiative
Vacancy on Southborough School Committee
Residents interested in serving in the interim (8 month) seat on the PreK-8 committee should apply this summer..
The Town website posted a notice last week, updated today, with news that a vacancy has opened on the Southborough School Committee. They are seeking applicants to apply by late August. Read the full article → from Vacancy on Southborough School Committee
Congrats to Class of ’24 Graduates (Updated)
Algonquin and Assabet celebrated graduating members of the Class of 2024
Southborough students were part of two public high school graduations over the weekend. Here are some highlights, including news on what ARHS students are up to post-graduation. Read the full article → from Congrats to Class of ’24 Graduates (Updated)
ARHS Sports Postseason Update (Updated)
Baseball in Sweet 16 tomorrow.
Since I last posted, one Algonquin teams earned a spot in the Sweet 16, while two other teams fell out of the state playoffs. Here is the latest in Gonk sports. Read the full article → from ARHS Sports Postseason Update (Updated)
More context on Neary classroom incident
A reader shared more context around one aspect of the story in which a 5th grade Neary teacher allegedly used a racial slur in the classroom. Read the full article → from More context on Neary classroom incident