Town Meeting: Barn Hollow Open Space accepted; more controversial items up for vote tonight

Town Meeting had an estimated over 400 in attendance last night. (No official count yet.) Voters easily approved most articles addressed, including a controversial open space acceptance.

13 Articles still need to be addressed at the continued meeting, beginning 7:30 pm tonight at the Trottier Middle School auditorium. Read the full article → from Town Meeting: Barn Hollow Open Space accepted; more controversial items up for vote tonight

Southborough Town Meeting – April 2014 (Updated – again)

The 2014 Annual Town Meeting opened on Wednesday, April 16 and closed on Thursday, April 17. Below are the votes from 2014 Annual Town Meeting (click here for the Warrant): To Hear Reports (click here to see the Annual Town Report 2013) – done Acceptance of Monies from Contributors – approved Borrowing Authorization – approved Authorize Read the full article → from Southborough Town Meeting – April 2014 (Updated – again)

Vote for what you care about or someone else will

Recent conversations have made me realize that some residents don’t understand the power a single voter has at town meeting. Last year, each person who showed up represented 38 registered voters. That 2.6% decide whether to approve a budget or reduce it. So if there’s a budget you care about be there to support it. Read the full article → from Vote for what you care about or someone else will

The year in review: What happened in Southborough in 2012

As we reflect back on 2012 on this the final day of the year, there are stories that stand out for all of us, from ones that rocked our small town to ones that rocked our nation. This year I asked for your help in picking out the events of the past year that stand out to you. Here’s the list. Read the full article → from The year in review: What happened in Southborough in 2012

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