Annual Town Meeting recap

Investments in Emergency Communications, a potential Library expansion, the golf course, accessible trails, and more.

Yesterday, a small percentage of Southborough voters agreed to fund improving public safety, pursuing a Library expansion project, investing in Town recreational assets, stabilizing special education budget impacts, preserving the Town’s history and seed money for Tricentennial celebrations. They also enabled pursuit of a solar project at Trottier and agreed to clean up zoning language.

They even weighed in on the Patriot’s decision to fire Bill Belichick! Read the full article → from Annual Town Meeting recap

Annual Town Meeting 2024 at-a-glance

What's up for a vote with links to related coverage

Southborough’s Annual Town Meeting, will convene tomorrow to approve spending, amend local bylaws, and “advise” officials. All registered voters are able (and encouraged) to participate.

Here is the list of Articles to be voted on with links to more information for those who want more details. Read the full article → from Annual Town Meeting 2024 at-a-glance

CPA Projects & Voting Threshold headed to Town Meeting (Updated)

Funding is sought to preserve historic records, improve Peninsula Trail accessibility, and make irrigation more efficient. And a resident is seeking to make a change related to the CPA.

Among the many Articles headed to Annual Town Meeting are three seeking funding from Community Preservation Act (CPA) funds. Project proponents are seeking to restore and preserve historic Town records, complete the Peninsula Trail project (with better ADA accessibility), and improve the efficiency of watering the Town’s golf course. And one Citizen’s Petition Article will ask voters to support changing the Town’s bylaw related to CPA votes. Read the full article → from CPA Projects & Voting Threshold headed to Town Meeting (Updated)

School Articles at Annual Town Meeting (Updated)

Solar project at Trottier Middle School, and Stabilization Funds for Southborough SpEd costs and Regional high schools' capital needs

Public schools that serve Southborough will have four special Articles on the Warrant at Annual Town Meeting (in addition to the usual budgets and administrative Articles). Town officials support two, are split on one, and oppose another. Read the full article → from School Articles at Annual Town Meeting (Updated)

Town seeking to replace Public Works Planning Board through ATM Articles 33 & 34

At Annual Town Meeting, officials will ask voters to support two Articles with two shared goals. If successful in getting support from Town Meeting and the state, they would replace the Public Works Planning Board (PWPB) with a Public Works Advisory Committee (PWAC), and change how the Tree Warden position and responsibilities are handled. Read the full article → from Town seeking to replace Public Works Planning Board through ATM Articles 33 & 34

Kindergroup Easter Egg Hunt moved to this Friday afternoon!

The community egg hunt has been moved up due to the forecast (with a new location)!

Late this afternoon, Southborough Kindergroup announced a big change to their plans for the annual egg hunt. Rather than delaying the event to their original rain date due to the lousy forecast, they are moving it up. Read the full article → from Kindergroup Easter Egg Hunt moved to this Friday afternoon!

Dispatcher Staffing & Budget up for debate at Town Meeting on Saturday

A Citizen Petitioner will urge voters to increase the budget for public safety emergency communications. The Select Board and Advisory will pitch a plan to study staffing and bring recommendations to Fall Town Meeting.

One of the more controversial items at last year’s Town Meeting is back on the Warrant again this year in a different form.

Citizen’s Petitions are asking voters to increase the Town’s recommended budget to bolster the public safety dispatcher staff. Read the full article → from Dispatcher Staffing & Budget up for debate at Town Meeting on Saturday

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