Advisory’s report for Town Meeting and the FY25 Budget

This year's tax forecast is below inflation, but that's partially based on one-time funding sources like federal ARPA funds. Advisory warns that the Town could be forced to deal with a ballot override or big service cuts in two years.

The Advisory Committee has issued it’s report to Annual Town Meeting, along with detailed information on this year’s budgets. It includes an explanation for their budget recommendations, plus the reasons behind some key Articles they voted to support or not support.

The report also comes with some financial forecasts and warnings. The most notable is a forecast that the Town seems to be headed towards needing a Proposition 2 ½ Override within a few years. Read the full article → from Advisory’s report for Town Meeting and the FY25 Budget

Apply by May 9th for Town Scholarships

Students in their senior year or current under grads can apply for scholarships administered by the Town, including those in memory of Carol Harris and Linda Hubley.

The Scholarship Advisory Committee posted its annual application for three scholarship opportunities. The Town asked me to share the news.

(And given the issues around Financial Aid this year, this may be in more need than ever.) Read the full article → from Apply by May 9th for Town Scholarships

Lundblad Field dog park proposal to be voted on at Town Meeting

Article 19 would repurpose leftover funds from studying the field to match 10% of a grant-funded construction project.

Next week, registered voters will have the opportunity to vote on Article 19, to match funding for building a dog park at Lundblad field on Parkerville Road. Read the full article → from Lundblad Field dog park proposal to be voted on at Town Meeting

Breakneck Hill land access will be temporarily restricted for Farm Dump cleanup project (Updated)

Starting Monday, the Community Garden area parking and trail will be roped off for several weeks to allow the Town's contractor to "mobilize" to clean up the old dump in the woods.

Today, the Town announced that progress on cleaning up an old farm dump will impact parking and trail access at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land.

BHCL will still be open to the public, but there will be restricted areas, starting Monday and lasting for several weeks. Read the full article → from Breakneck Hill land access will be temporarily restricted for Farm Dump cleanup project (Updated)

SAM & COA launch new “Southborough Connects” program series

Host Doug Peck will interview people and cover topics of interest to the community, especially Southborough seniors

Southborough’s Council on Aging and Southborough Access Media have teamed up to produce a new original series.

Hosted by resident senior Doug Peck, the program will cover “topics that are interesting and informational, particularly for the senior citizens.” Read the full article → from SAM & COA launch new “Southborough Connects” program series

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